我正在尝试在激活了跟踪系统(额外)的情况下运行 COMPS。我首先遇到了安装问题,但由于这个问题我解决了:
如何修复 libpapi.so.* 在运行带有跟踪的 (py)COMPS 时无法打开共享对象文件?
但是,现在我面临一个新的 PAPI 问题。COMPSs 运行时似乎已正确加载,但 Extrae 报告此错误:
Extrae: Error! Hardware counter PAPI_L3_TCM (0x80000008) cannot be added in set 1 (thread 0)
Extrae: Error! Hardware counter PAPI_FP_INS (0x80000034) cannot be added in set 1 (thread 0)
Extrae: Error! Hardware counter PAPI_SR_INS (0x80000036) cannot be added in set 2 (thread 0)
Extrae: Error! Hardware counter PAPI_BR_UCN (0x8000002a) cannot be added in set 2 (thread 0)
Extrae: Error! Hardware counter PAPI_BR_CN (0x8000002b) cannot be added in set 2 (thread 0)
Extrae: Error! Hardware counter PAPI_VEC_SP (0x80000069) cannot be added in set 2 (thread 0)
Extrae: Error! Hardware counter RESOURCE_STALLS (0x40000023) cannot be added in set 2 (thread 0)
Extrae: Successfully initiated with 1 tasks and 1 threads
WARNING: IT Properties file is null. Setting default values
[ API] - Deploying COMPSs Runtime v1.4 (build 20160722-1520.r59)
[ API] - Starting COMPSs Runtime v1.4 (build 20160722-1520.r59)
Extrae: PAPI_read failed for thread 1 evtset 2 (papi_hwc.c:669)
Extrae: PAPI_read failed for thread 0 evtset 1 (papi_hwc.c:669)
即使他们没有硬件 PAPI 计数器,我也希望能够获得跟踪。如何禁用它们或修复错误?