基本上,我创建了一个带有两个参数的宏:.sv 源文件路径和名称,以及依赖项列表。这会将源文件路径转换为目标文件路径并将其创建为目标。依赖源文件和任何传入的依赖项。然后我创建一个变量,其中包含我所有来源的列表。最后我做了: $(foreach src,$(SRCS),$(eval $(call create_target_for, $(src)))) 它创建了我所有的目标。
# Makefile for use in building all my UVM components
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements:
# QuestaSim - We use the vlog compiler packaged with QuestaSim.
# ModelSim also comes with vlog, but doesn't really support UVM.
# UVM_INCLUDE_DIR environment var - This should point to the UVM src directory.
# For me this is: C:\questasim_10.0b\verilog_src\uvm-1.0p1\src
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Notes:
# The vlog compiler creates an output folder in the VLIB_DIR directors
# per package/module/interface with the same name as the entity
# Any capitals are replace with @ followed by the lower case letter
# IE. FooBar -> @foo@bar
# This makefile requires that:
# All interfaces end in _if
# All packages end in _pkg
# Each file can only contain a single interface, package or module
# No capitals in package/module/interface naems
# The package/module/interface has the same name as the file
# some variabls to use later
VLIB_DIR = ./work
# src files - per directory for use with compile orders
# ie. transactions have to be compiled before drivers
INTERFACE_SRCS = $(wildcard src/interfaces/*.sv)
CONFIG_SRCS = $(wildcard src/configs/*.sv)
TRANSACTION_SRCS = $(wildcard src/transactions/*.sv)
SEQUENCE_SRCS = $(wildcard src/sequences/*.sv)
DRIVER_SRCS = $(wildcard src/drivers/*.sv)
MONITOR_SRCS = $(wildcard src/monitors/*.sv)
AGENT_SRCS = $(wildcard src/agents/*.sv)
SCOREBOARD_SRCS = $(wildcard src/scoreboards/*.sv)
# all source files - for use with creating makefile targets
# list of all the components
COMPONENTS = interfaces \
configs \
transactions \
sequences \
drivers \
monitors \
agents \
# colours for use in echo commands for highlighting
COLOUR_NONE = \x1b[0m
COLOUR_RED = \x1b[31;01m
COLOUR_BLUE = \x1b[34;01m
COLOUR_GREEN = \x1b[32;01m
# macros to turn a .sv file into the compiled file in the relevant VLIB_DIR subdirectory
# src/abc/def.sv -> $(VLIB_DIR)/def/_primary.dat
src2obj = $(addsuffix /_primary.dat, $(addprefix $(VLIB_DIR)/, $(basename $(notdir $(1)))))
# macro to create a target for a given source file
# it takes two arguments:
# 1) the path and name of the source file
# 2) any dependencies
# It then creates a traget on the relevant _primary.dat (questaSim created object)
# with a dependency on the source file, and any other passed in dependencies
define create_target_for
$$(info $COLOUR_GREEN create_target_for called on $(1))
$$(info creating target $(call src2obj, $(1)))
$$(info with dependencies $(VLIB_DIR) $(1) $(2))
$$(info )
$(call src2obj, $(1)): $(1) $(2)
@echo -e "$(COLOUR_BLUE)compiling $(1) because of changes in: $$? $(COLOUR_NONE)\n"
vlog $(VLOG_FLAGS) $(1)
# default rule is to create the library, compile the UVM pkg and all the components
# create the questaSim library if it's not already there
vlib $(VLIB_DIR)
@echo -e "$(COLOUR_GREEN)Created the $(VLIB_DIR) library$(COLOUR_NONE)\n"
# compile the UVM library
vlog +incdir+$(UVM_INCLUDE_DIR) $(UVM_INCLUDE_DIR)/uvm.sv
@echo -e "$(COLOUR_GREEN)Compiled the UVM package$(COLOUR_NONE)\n"
# simple alias
UVM: $(VLIB_DIR) $(VLIB_DIR)/uvm_pkg/_primary.dat
# create targets for all our sources
# note with this method we can't set dependencies within a single directory
$(foreach src,$(SRCS),$(eval $(call create_target_for, $(src))))
# define a phony target per directory so we can specify compile order
interfaces: $(VLIB_DIR) UVM \
$(call src2obj, $(INTERFACE_SRCS))
@echo -e "$(COLOUR_GREEN)Compiled all $@$(COLOUR_NONE)\n"
configs: $(VLIB_DIR) UVM \
$(call src2obj, $(CONFIG_SRCS))
@echo -e "$(COLOUR_GREEN)Compiled all $@$(COLOUR_NONE)\n"
transactions: $(VLIB_DIR) UVM \
$(call src2obj, $(TRANSACTION_SRCS))
@echo -e "$(COLOUR_GREEN)Compiled all $@$(COLOUR_NONE)\n"
sequences: $(VLIB_DIR) UVM \
transactions \
$(call src2obj, $(SEQUENCE_SRCS))
@echo -e "$(COLOUR_GREEN)Compiled all $@$(COLOUR_NONE)\n"
drivers: $(VLIB_DIR) UVM \
transactions interfaces \
$(call src2obj, $(DRIVER_SRCS))
@echo -e "$(COLOUR_GREEN)Compiled all $@$(COLOUR_NONE)\n"
monitors: $(VLIB_DIR) UVM \
transactions interfaces \
$(call src2obj, $(MONITOR_SRCS))
@echo -e "$(COLOUR_GREEN)Compiled all $@$(COLOUR_NONE)\n"
agents: $(VLIB_DIR) UVM \
drivers monitors transactions configs interfaces \
$(call src2obj, $(AGENT_SRCS))
@echo -e "$(COLOUR_GREEN)Compiled all $@$(COLOUR_NONE)\n"
scoreboards: $(call src2obj, $(SCOREBOARD_SRCS))
@echo -e "$(COLOUR_GREEN)Compiled all $@$(COLOUR_NONE)\n"
# delete the library and all compiled files
if [ -d $(VLIB_DIR) ]; then vdel -lib $(VLIB_DIR) -all; fi;