我正在尝试使用 Audacity 从音频文件中删除静音。有一个名为Trim Silence的 Nyquist 插件可以删除文件开头和结尾的静音,但不会删除中间的静音。我想反转这一点,并从除了开始和结束之外的所有地方删除沉默。
我认为下面的功能是插件的相关部分。我应该如何更改它以获得 truncate-internal-silences 功能?(我不知道任何 Nyquist 或 Lisp,所以我很难理解它目前的作用,更不用说改变它了。)
也欢迎完全不同的方法 - 这只是我目前对如何编辑我的许多音频文件的最佳猜测。
(defun trim-silence ()
;; Nyquist plug-ins cannot return 'no audio', so trap as error.
(if (< (get '*selection* 'peak-level) threshold)
(throw 'error (format nil "Error.~%All selected audio in the ~a selected track~%~
is below the silence threshold.~%~%~
Try setting the threshold to a~%~
lower (more negative) dB level."
(add-num-suffix (get '*track* 'index)))))
(if (> len (* limit *sound-srate*)) ;max length in samples
(throw 'error (format nil "Error.\nMax RAM usage by Trim Silence is set to ~a GB.~%This allows a maximum duration ~
for a ~a~%track at ~a Hz of ~a.~%Selected track is ~a.~%"
(if (arrayp *track*) "stereo" "mono")
(round *sound-srate*)
(to-hhmmss limit)
(to-hhmmss (get-duration 1)))))
(let* (;; ratio provides tighter trimming for short selections
;; while maintaining reasonable speed for long selections
(ratio (max 10 (min 200 (round (/ len 100000.0)))))
(my-srate (/ *sound-srate* ratio))
(mysound (convert *track* ratio))
(limits (get-clip-limits)) ; (list start, end) times of audio clips
(clip-start (if (first limits)
(abs-to-relative-time (nth 0 limits)))) ; nil id invalid
(clip-end (if (second limits)
(abs-to-relative-time (nth 1 limits))))) ; nil if invalid
;loop through samples and mark start and end
(setf result (find-sil mysound clip-start clip-end))
(let ((start (if clip-start
(max clip-start
(- (/ (first result) my-srate) min-start-silence))
(end (if clip-end
(min (+ (- (get-duration 1) (/ (second result) my-srate))
(get '*selection* 'end))))
;; ensure at least 1 sample remains
;; This should never happen.
(if (>= start end)
(setq start (- end (/ *sound-srate*))))
; trim
(multichan-expand #'extract-abs start end (cue *track*)))))