
@interface MyPointCut

public class Foo

    BarAPI api = new BarAPI();


public class MyAspect
    @Around(value="execution(* *(..)) && @annotation(MyPointCut)")
    public Object doSomethingBeforeAndAfterEachMethodCall()

然后,我希望有一个方面在 api 字段的每个方法调用之前和之后执行一些工作。这是可行的吗?您能否指点我一些可以阅读如何操作的文档?


1 回答 1


It is a bit like simply putting execution advice on all the methods in type BarAPI, but your difference is that you only care about a specific instance of BarAPI and not all of them.

// Execution of any BarAPI method running in the control flow of a Foo method
Object around(): execution(* BarAPI.*(..)) && cflow(within(Foo)) {...}

cflow is a bit 'heavy' for this though, can we do something lighter:

// Call to any BarAPI method from the type Foo
Object around(): call(* BarAPI.*(..)) && within(Foo) { ... }

And what about something like that but more generally applicable:

// Assume Foo has an annotation on it so it is more general than type Foo.
public class Foo { ... }

Object around(): call(* BarAPI.*(..)) && @within(HasInterestingBarAPIField) { ... }
于 2016-07-22T18:40:14.697 回答