I am using the .NET regex syntax in a Nintex action and would like to extract the email as shown below


Now I think the approach is match the i:0#.f|membership bit but exclude it then match the rest. I would appreciate any help on this. I did try this expression which did match some on the above.




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If you plan to use the Extract mode with Nintex, you may use


to match 1 or more characters other than | that are at the end of the string. The [^...] is called a negated character class that contains literal symbols or ranges that are NOT to be matched, and everything else gets matched:

The result is that the [negated] character class matches any character that is not in the character class.

See the regex demo

Alternatively, you might use a replace action with


and replace with empty text. See this demo.

The point here is that we first match the string start and then use backtracking with a greedy dot (.*) to get to the last literal |, and remove the whole match.

于 2016-07-20T06:33:11.233 回答