I'm using Hyperledger to work on a POC. I've set the chaincode setup as mentioned here . I'm following the Option 1 mentioned in the link(using vagrant to run a CA server and one VP). In my current setup, I'm running with security disabled. My VP is running fine, and I'm able to start and register the chaincode just fine (as per mentioned here. But, when I'm trying to deploy my chaincode via CLI with the following command :

peer chaincode deploy -n mycc -c '{"Function":"init", "Args": `["hi there"]}'`

I am getting the following error

Error: Error building chaincode: rpc error: code = 2 desc = "Error getting chaincode package bytes: Cannot generate hashcode from empty chaincode path"

I tried specifically mentioning the path where I've stored my custom chaincode, I get the following error :

Error: Error building chaincode: rpc error: code = 2 desc = "Path to chaincode does not exist: /opt/gopath/src/ProductBC/ProductBC/finished/"

Has anyone faced a similar issue or any points on what can be done to overcome this ?


1 回答 1


看起来您使用链码“/opt/gopath/src/ProductBC/ProductBC/finished/”的完整路径,但peer默认情况下会尝试在您的 gopath 中查找链码。

只需尝试使用“ProductBC/ProductBC/finished/”来运行 CLI 命令。

peer chaincode deploy -p ProductBC/ProductBC/finished -c '{"Function":"init", "Args": `["hi there"]}'`

在这种情况下,peer 将尝试在 $GOPATH/src/ProductBC/ProductBC/finished 中找到这个链码


于 2016-07-20T05:22:14.393 回答