下面是运行 generator-angular-fullstack 时出现的原始 gulpfile(基本上 - 我从开发中运行的任务中删除了)。
我在“client/components/modal/templates/”中有 HTML 文件,在我运行时没有添加到项目中gulp build
“加载模板失败:./components/modal/templates/event.html(HTTP 状态:404 Not Found)”
// Generated on 2016-06-21 using generator-angular-fullstack 3.7.6
'use strict';
import _ from 'lodash';
import del from 'del';
import gulp from 'gulp';
import grunt from 'grunt';
import path from 'path';
import gulpLoadPlugins from 'gulp-load-plugins';
import http from 'http';
import open from 'open';
import lazypipe from 'lazypipe';
import {stream as wiredep} from 'wiredep';
import nodemon from 'nodemon';
import {Server as KarmaServer} from 'karma';
import runSequence from 'run-sequence';
import {protractor, webdriver_update} from 'gulp-protractor';
import {Instrumenter} from 'isparta';
var plugins = gulpLoadPlugins();
var config;
const clientPath = require('./bower.json').appPath || 'client';
const serverPath = 'server';
const paths = {
client: {
assets: `${clientPath}/assets/**/*`,
images: `${clientPath}/assets/images/**/*`,
scripts: [
styles: [`${clientPath}/{app,components}/**/*.less`],
mainStyle: `${clientPath}/app/app.less`,
views: `${clientPath}/{app,components}/**/*.html`,
mainView: `${clientPath}/index.html`,
test: [`${clientPath}/{app,components}/**/*.{spec,mock}.ts`],
e2e: ['e2e/**/*.spec.js'],
bower: `${clientPath}/bower_components/`
server: {
scripts: [
json: [`${serverPath}/**/*.json`],
test: {
integration: [`${serverPath}/**/*.integration.js`, 'mocha.global.js'],
unit: [`${serverPath}/**/*.spec.js`, 'mocha.global.js']
karma: 'karma.conf.js',
dist: 'dist'
* Helper functions
function onServerLog(log) {
console.log(plugins.util.colors.white('[') +
plugins.util.colors.yellow('nodemon') +
plugins.util.colors.white('] ') +
function checkAppReady(cb) {
var options = {
host: 'localhost',
port: config.port
.get(options, () => cb(true))
.on('error', () => cb(false));
// Call page until first success
function whenServerReady(cb) {
var serverReady = false;
var appReadyInterval = setInterval(() =>
checkAppReady((ready) => {
if (!ready || serverReady) {
serverReady = true;
function sortModulesFirst(a, b) {
var module = /\.module\.ts$/;
var aMod = module.test(a.path);
var bMod = module.test(b.path);
// inject *.module.js first
if (aMod === bMod) {
// either both modules or both non-modules, so just sort normally
if (a.path < b.path) {
return -1;
if (a.path > b.path) {
return 1;
return 0;
} else {
return (aMod ? -1 : 1);
* Reusable pipelines
let lintClientScripts = lazypipe()
.pipe(plugins.tslint, require(`./${clientPath}/tslint.json`))
.pipe(plugins.tslint.report, 'verbose');
let lintServerScripts = lazypipe()
.pipe(plugins.jshint, `${serverPath}/.jshintrc`)
.pipe(plugins.jshint.reporter, 'jshint-stylish');
let lintServerTestScripts = lazypipe()
.pipe(plugins.jshint, `${serverPath}/.jshintrc-spec`)
.pipe(plugins.jshint.reporter, 'jshint-stylish');
let styles = lazypipe()
.pipe(plugins.autoprefixer, {browsers: ['last 1 version']})
.pipe(plugins.sourcemaps.write, '.');
let transpileServer = lazypipe()
.pipe(plugins.babel, {
plugins: [
.pipe(plugins.sourcemaps.write, '.');
let mocha = lazypipe()
.pipe(plugins.mocha, {
reporter: 'spec',
timeout: 5000,
require: [
let istanbul = lazypipe()
.pipe(plugins.istanbulEnforcer, {
thresholds: {
global: {
lines: 80,
statements: 80,
branches: 80,
functions: 80
coverageDirectory: './coverage',
rootDirectory : ''
* Env
gulp.task('env:all', () => {
let localConfig;
try {
localConfig = require(`./${serverPath}/config/local.env`);
} catch (e) {
localConfig = {};
vars: localConfig
gulp.task('env:test', () => {
vars: {NODE_ENV: 'test'}
gulp.task('env:prod', () => {
vars: {NODE_ENV: 'production'}
* Tasks
gulp.task('inject', cb => {
runSequence(['inject:js', 'inject:css', 'inject:less', 'inject:tsconfig'], cb);
gulp.task('inject:js', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.client.mainView)
gulp.src(_.union(paths.client.scripts, ['client/app/app.constant.js', `!${clientPath}/**/*.{spec,mock}.ts`, `!${clientPath}/app/app.ts`]), {read: false})
starttag: '<!-- injector:js -->',
endtag: '<!-- endinjector -->',
transform: (filepath) => '<script src="' + filepath.replace(`/${clientPath}/`, '').replace('.ts', '.js') + '"></script>'
function injectTsConfig(filesGlob, tsconfigPath){
let src = gulp.src(filesGlob, {read: false})
return gulp.src(tsconfigPath)
.pipe(plugins.inject(src, {
starttag: '"files": [',
endtag: ']',
transform: (filepath, file, i, length) => {
return `"${filepath.substr(1)}"${i + 1 < length ? ',' : ''}`;
gulp.task('inject:tsconfig', () => {
return injectTsConfig([
gulp.task('inject:tsconfigTest', () => {
return injectTsConfig([
gulp.task('inject:css', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.client.mainView)
gulp.src(`${clientPath}/{app,components}/**/*.css`, {read: false})
starttag: '<!-- injector:css -->',
endtag: '<!-- endinjector -->',
transform: (filepath) => '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + filepath.replace(`/${clientPath}/`, '').replace('/.tmp/', '') + '">'
gulp.task('inject:less', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.client.mainStyle)
gulp.src(_.union(paths.client.styles, ['!' + paths.client.mainStyle]), {read: false})
transform: (filepath) => {
let newPath = filepath
.replace(`/${clientPath}/app/`, '')
.replace(`/${clientPath}/components/`, '../components/')
.replace(/_(.*).less/, (match, p1, offset, string) => p1)
.replace('.less', '');
return `@import '${newPath}';`;
// Install DefinitelyTyped TypeScript definition files
gulp.task('typings', () => {
return gulp.src("./typings.json")
gulp.task('styles', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.client.mainStyle)
gulp.task('copy:constant', ['constant'], () => {
return gulp.src(`${clientPath}/app/app.constant.js`, { dot: true })
gulp.task('transpile:client', ['typings', 'copy:constant'], () => {
return gulp.src(['client/{app,components}/**/!(*.spec|*.mock).ts', 'typings/main.d.ts'])
gulp.task('transpile:client:test', ['typings'], () => {
return gulp.src(['client/{app,components}/**/+(*.spec|*.mock).ts', 'typings/main.d.ts'])
gulp.task('transpile:server', () => {
return gulp.src(_.union(paths.server.scripts, paths.server.json))
gulp.task('lint:scripts', cb => runSequence(['lint:scripts:client', 'lint:scripts:server'], cb));
gulp.task('lint:scripts:client', () => {
return gulp.src(_.union(
_.map(paths.client.test, blob => '!' + blob),
gulp.task('lint:scripts:server', () => {
return gulp.src(_.union(paths.server.scripts, _.map(paths.server.test, blob => '!' + blob)))
gulp.task('lint:scripts:clientTest', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.client.test)
gulp.task('lint:scripts:serverTest', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.server.test)
gulp.task('jscs', () => {
return gulp.src(_.union(paths.client.scripts, paths.server.scripts))
gulp.task('clean:tmp', () => del(['.tmp/**/*'], {dot: true}));
gulp.task('start:client', cb => {
whenServerReady(() => {
open('http://localhost:' + config.port);
gulp.task('start:server', () => {
process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';
config = require(`./${serverPath}/config/environment`);
nodemon(`-w ${serverPath} ${serverPath}`)
.on('log', onServerLog);
gulp.task('start:server:prod', () => {
process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production';
config = require(`./${paths.dist}/${serverPath}/config/environment`);
nodemon(`-w ${paths.dist}/${serverPath} ${paths.dist}/${serverPath}`)
.on('log', onServerLog);
gulp.task('start:inspector', () => {
gulp.task('start:server:debug', () => {
process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';
config = require(`./${serverPath}/config/environment`);
nodemon(`-w ${serverPath} --debug-brk ${serverPath}`)
.on('log', onServerLog);
gulp.task('watch', () => {
var testFiles = _.union(paths.client.test, paths.server.test.unit, paths.server.test.integration);
plugins.watch(paths.client.styles, () => { //['inject:less']
gulp.watch(paths.client.scripts, ['transpile:client']);// gulp.watch(paths.client.scripts, ['lint:scripts:client', 'transpile:client']);
plugins.watch(_.union(paths.server.scripts, testFiles))
gulp.watch('bower.json', ['wiredep:client']);
gulp.task('serve', cb => {
runSequence(['clean:tmp', 'constant', 'env:all', 'typings'],
['inject'],// ['lint:scripts', 'inject'],
['transpile:client', 'styles'],
['start:server', 'start:client'],
gulp.task('serve:dist', cb => {
['start:server:prod', 'start:client'],
gulp.task('serve:debug', cb => {
runSequence(['clean:tmp', 'constant', 'typings'],
['lint:scripts', 'inject'],
['transpile:client', 'styles'],
['start:server:debug', 'start:client'],
gulp.task('test', cb => {
return runSequence('test:server', 'test:client', cb);
gulp.task('test:server', cb => {
gulp.task('mocha:unit', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.server.test.unit)
gulp.task('mocha:integration', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.server.test.integration)
gulp.task('test:client', ['wiredep:test', 'constant', 'transpile:client', 'transpile:client:test'], (done) => {
new KarmaServer({
configFile: `${__dirname}/${paths.karma}`,
singleRun: true
}, done).start();
// inject bower components
gulp.task('wiredep:client', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.client.mainView)
exclude: [
ignorePath: clientPath
gulp.task('wiredep:test', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.karma)
exclude: [
devDependencies: true
* Build
//FIXME: looks like font-awesome isn't getting loaded
gulp.task('build', cb => {
gulp.task('clean:dist', () => del([`${paths.dist}/!(.git*|.openshift|Procfile)**`], {dot: true}));
gulp.task('build:client', ['styles', 'html', 'constant', 'build:images'], () => {
var manifest = gulp.src(`${paths.dist}/${clientPath}/assets/rev-manifest.json`);
var appFilter = plugins.filter('**/app.js', {restore: true});
var jsFilter = plugins.filter('**/*.js', {restore: true});
var cssFilter = plugins.filter('**/*.css', {restore: true});
var htmlBlock = plugins.filter(['**/*.!(html)'], {restore: true});
return gulp.src(paths.client.mainView)
processImportFrom: ['!fonts.googleapis.com']
gulp.task('html', function() {
return gulp.src(`${clientPath}/{app,components}/**/*.html`)
module: 'intranetApp'
gulp.task('constant', function() {
let sharedConfig = require(`./${serverPath}/config/environment/shared`);
return plugins.ngConstant({
name: 'intranetApp.constants',
deps: [],
wrap: true,
stream: true,
constants: { appConfig: sharedConfig }
basename: 'app.constant'
gulp.task('build:images', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.client.images)
optimizationLevel: 5,
progressive: true,
interlaced: true
.pipe(plugins.rev.manifest(`${paths.dist}/${clientPath}/assets/rev-manifest.json`, {
base: `${paths.dist}/${clientPath}/assets`,
merge: true
gulp.task('copy:extras', () => {
return gulp.src([
], { dot: true })
gulp.task('copy:fonts', () => {
return gulp.src(`${clientPath}/bower_components/{bootstrap,font-awesome}/fonts/**/*`, { dot: true })
gulp.task('copy:assets', () => {
return gulp.src([paths.client.assets, '!' + paths.client.images])
gulp.task('copy:server', () => {
return gulp.src([
], {cwdbase: true})
gulp.task('coverage:pre', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.server.scripts)
// Covering files
instrumenter: Instrumenter, // Use the isparta instrumenter (code coverage for ES6)
includeUntested: true
// Force `require` to return covered files
gulp.task('coverage:unit', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.server.test.unit)
// Creating the reports after tests ran
gulp.task('coverage:integration', () => {
return gulp.src(paths.server.test.integration)
// Creating the reports after tests ran
gulp.task('mocha:coverage', cb => {
// Downloads the selenium webdriver
gulp.task('webdriver_update', webdriver_update);
gulp.task('test:e2e', ['env:all', 'env:test', 'start:server', 'webdriver_update'], cb => {
configFile: 'protractor.conf.js',
})).on('error', err => {
}).on('end', () => {
* Grunt ported tasks
buildcontrol: {
options: {
dir: paths.dist,
commit: true,
push: true,
connectCommits: false,
message: 'Built %sourceName% from commit %sourceCommit% on branch %sourceBranch%'
heroku: {
options: {
remote: 'heroku',
branch: 'master'
openshift: {
options: {
remote: 'openshift',
branch: 'master'
gulp.task('buildcontrol:heroku', function(done) {
['buildcontrol:heroku'], //you can add more grunt tasks in this array
{gruntfile: false}, //don't look for a Gruntfile - there is none. :-)
function() {done();}
gulp.task('buildcontrol:openshift', function(done) {
['buildcontrol:openshift'], //you can add more grunt tasks in this array
{gruntfile: false}, //don't look for a Gruntfile - there is none. :-)
function() {done();}