我有一个数字列表,例如 21,4,7,9,12,22,17,8,2,20,23
我希望能够挑选出序列号的序列(长度至少为 3 个项目),因此从上面的示例中它将是 7、8、9 和 20、21、22、23。
我玩过一些丑陋的杂乱无章的功能,但我想知道是否有一种简洁的 LINQ 方式来做到这一点。
令我震惊的是,您应该做的第一件事就是订购清单。然后只需遍历它,记住当前序列的长度并检测它何时结束。老实说,我怀疑一个简单的 foreach 循环将是最简单的方法——我无法立即想到任何非常简洁的类似 LINQ 的方法。如果您真的愿意,您当然可以在迭代器块中执行此操作,但请记住,从列表开始排序意味着无论如何您都有合理的“前期”成本。所以我的解决方案看起来像这样:
var ordered = list.OrderBy(x => x);
int count = 0;
int firstItem = 0; // Irrelevant to start with
foreach (int x in ordered)
// First value in the ordered list: start of a sequence
if (count == 0)
firstItem = x;
count = 1;
// Skip duplicate values
else if (x == firstItem + count - 1)
// No need to do anything
// New value contributes to sequence
else if (x == firstItem + count)
// End of one sequence, start of another
if (count >= 3)
Console.WriteLine("Found sequence of length {0} starting at {1}",
count, firstItem);
count = 1;
firstItem = x;
if (count >= 3)
Console.WriteLine("Found sequence of length {0} starting at {1}",
count, firstItem);
编辑:好的,我刚刚想到了一种更类似于 LINQ 的做事方式。我现在没有时间完全实现它,但是:
编辑:好的,我已经实现了这个。这是我能想到的 LINQiest 方式......我使用空值作为“哨兵”值来强制开始和结束序列 - 有关更多详细信息,请参阅评论。
总的来说,我不会推荐这个解决方案。很难理解,虽然我有理由相信它是正确的,但我花了一段时间才想到可能的错误等等。这是一次有趣的旅程,你可以用 LINQ 做什么......而且你可能不应该这样做。
哦,请注意,我已经将“最小长度为 3”的部分推给了调用者——当你有这样的元组序列时,单独过滤它会更干净,IMO。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
static class Extensions
public static IEnumerable<TResult> SelectConsecutive<TSource, TResult>
(this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, TSource, TResult> selector)
using (IEnumerator<TSource> iterator = source.GetEnumerator())
if (!iterator.MoveNext())
yield break;
TSource prev = iterator.Current;
while (iterator.MoveNext())
TSource current = iterator.Current;
yield return selector(prev, current);
prev = current;
class Test
static void Main()
var list = new List<int> { 21,4,7,9,12,22,17,8,2,20,23 };
foreach (var sequence in FindSequences(list).Where(x => x.Item1 >= 3))
Console.WriteLine("Found sequence of length {0} starting at {1}",
sequence.Item1, sequence.Item2);
private static readonly int?[] End = { null };
// Each tuple in the returned sequence is (length, first element)
public static IEnumerable<Tuple<int, int>> FindSequences
(IEnumerable<int> input)
// Use null values at the start and end of the ordered sequence
// so that the first pair always starts a new sequence starting
// with the lowest actual element, and the final pair always
// starts a new one starting with null. That "sequence at the end"
// is used to compute the length of the *real* final element.
return End.Concat(input.OrderBy(x => x)
.Select(x => (int?) x))
// Work out consecutive pairs of items
.SelectConsecutive((x, y) => Tuple.Create(x, y))
// Remove duplicates
.Where(z => z.Item1 != z.Item2)
// Keep the index so we can tell sequence length
.Select((z, index) => new { z, index })
// Find sequence starting points
.Where(both => both.z.Item2 != both.z.Item1 + 1)
.SelectConsecutive((start1, start2) =>
Tuple.Create(start2.index - start1.index,
Jon Skeet / Timwi 的解决方案是可行的方法。
为了好玩,这是一个完成这项工作的 LINQ 查询(非常低效):
var sequences = input.Distinct()
.GroupBy(num => Enumerable.Range(num, int.MaxValue - num + 1)
.Last()) //use the last member of the consecutive sequence as the key
.Where(seq => seq.Count() >= 3)
.Select(seq => seq.OrderBy(num => num)); // not necessary unless ordering is desirable inside each sequence.
通过将输入加载到 aHashSet
我知道的唯一错误是如果序列包含大量负数(我们无法表示 的count
),则可能发生算术溢出。static IEnumerable<int> To(this int start, int end)
var sequences = input.GroupBy(num => input.Where(candidate => candidate >= num)
.OrderBy(candidate => candidate)
.TakeWhile((candidate, index) => candidate == num + index)
.Where(seq => seq.Count() >= 3)
.Select(seq => seq.OrderBy(num => num));
/// <summary>Returns a collection containing all consecutive sequences of
/// integers in the input collection.</summary>
/// <param name="input">The collection of integers in which to find
/// consecutive sequences.</param>
/// <param name="minLength">Minimum length that a sequence should have
/// to be returned.</param>
static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>> ConsecutiveSequences(
IEnumerable<int> input, int minLength = 1)
var results = new List<List<int>>();
foreach (var i in input.OrderBy(x => x))
var existing = results.FirstOrDefault(lst => lst.Last() + 1 == i);
if (existing == null)
results.Add(new List<int> { i });
return minLength <= 1 ? results :
results.Where(lst => lst.Count >= minLength);
int[] arr = new int[]{ 21, 4, 7, 9, 12, 22, 17, 8, 2, 20, 23 };
IOrderedEnumerable<int> sorted = arr.OrderBy(x => x);
int cnt = sorted.Count();
int[] sortedArr = sorted.ToArray();
IEnumerable<int> selected = sortedArr.Where((x, idx) =>
idx <= cnt - 3 && sortedArr[idx + 1] == x + 1 && sortedArr[idx + 2] == x + 2);
IEnumerable<int> result = selected.SelectMany(x => new int[] { x, x + 1, x + 2 }).Distinct();
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", result.Select(x=>x.ToString()).ToArray()));
由于数组复制和重建,这个解决方案 - 当然 - 不如带有循环的传统解决方案有效。
不是 100% Linq,但这是一个通用变体:
static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<TItem>> GetSequences<TItem>(
int minSequenceLength,
Func<TItem, TItem, bool> areSequential,
IEnumerable<TItem> items)
where TItem : IComparable<TItem>
items = items
.OrderBy(n => n)
var lastSelected = default(TItem);
var sequences =
from startItem in items
where startItem.Equals(items.First())
|| startItem.CompareTo(lastSelected) > 0
let sequence =
from item in items
where item.Equals(startItem) || areSequential(lastSelected, item)
select (lastSelected = item)
where sequence.Count() >= minSequenceLength
select sequence;
return sequences;
static void UsageInt()
var sequences = GetSequences(
(a, b) => a + 1 == b,
new[] { 21, 4, 7, 9, 12, 22, 17, 8, 2, 20, 23 });
foreach (var sequence in sequences)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", sequence.ToArray()));
static void UsageChar()
var list = new List<char>(
var sequences = GetSequences(
(a, b) => (list.IndexOf(a) + 1 == list.IndexOf(b)),
foreach (var sequence in sequences)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", sequence.ToArray()));
sortedArray = 8, 9, 10, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 30, 31, 32
diffArray = 1, 1, 11, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1
现在遍历差异数组;如果差等于 1,则将变量 sequenceLength 的计数增加 1。如果差 > 1,请检查 sequenceLength,如果它 >=2,那么您有一个至少包含 3 个连续元素的序列。然后将 sequenceLenght 重置为 0 并在差异数组上继续循环。
public static class SequenceDetector
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> DetectSequenceWhere<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence, Func<T, T, bool> inSequenceSelector)
List<T> subsequence = null;
// We can only have a sequence with 2 or more items
T last = sequence.FirstOrDefault();
foreach (var item in sequence.Skip(1))
if (inSequenceSelector(last, item))
// These form part of a sequence
if (subsequence == null)
subsequence = new List<T>();
else if (subsequence != null)
// We have a previous seq to return
yield return subsequence;
subsequence = null;
last = item;
if (subsequence != null)
// Return any trailing seq
yield return subsequence;
public class test
public static void run()
var list = new List<int> { 21, 4, 7, 9, 12, 22, 17, 8, 2, 20, 23 };
foreach (var subsequence in list
.OrderBy(i => i)
.DetectSequenceWhere((first, second) => first + 1 == second)
.Where(seq => seq.Count() >= 3))
Console.WriteLine("Found subsequence {0}",
string.Join(", ", subsequence.Select(i => i.ToString()).ToArray()));
这是我在 F# 中找到的解决方案,将其转换为 C# LINQ 查询应该相当容易,因为 fold 几乎等同于 LINQ 聚合运算符。
let nums = [21;4;7;9;12;22;17;8;2;20;23]
let scanFunc (mainSeqLength, mainCounter, lastNum:int, subSequenceCounter:int, subSequence:'a list, foundSequences:'a list list) (num:'a) =
(mainSeqLength, mainCounter + 1,
(if num <> lastNum + 1 then 1 else subSequenceCounter+1),
(if num <> lastNum + 1 then [num] else subSequence@[num]),
if subSequenceCounter >= 3 then
if mainSeqLength = mainCounter+1
then foundSequences @ [subSequence@[num]]
elif num <> lastNum + 1
then foundSequences @ [subSequence]
else foundSequences
else foundSequences)
let subSequences = nums |> Seq.sort |> Seq.fold scanFunc (nums |> Seq.length, 0, 0, 0, [], []) |> fun (_,_,_,_,_,results) -> results
Linq 并不是万能的解决方案,有时你最好使用一个简单的循环。这是一个解决方案,只需一点 Linq 即可对原始序列进行排序并过滤结果
void Main()
var numbers = new[] { 21,4,7,9,12,22,17,8,2,20,23 };
var sequences =
GetSequences(numbers, (prev, curr) => curr == prev + 1);
.Where(s => s.Count() >= 3);
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> GetSequences<T>(
IEnumerable<T> source,
Func<T, T, bool> areConsecutive)
bool first = true;
T prev = default(T);
List<T> seq = new List<T>();
foreach (var i in source.OrderBy(i => i))
if (!first && !areConsecutive(prev, i))
yield return seq.ToArray();
first = false;
prev = i;
if (seq.Any())
yield return seq.ToArray();
struct Range : IEnumerable<int>
readonly int _start;
readonly int _count;
public Range(int start, int count)
_start = start;
_count = count;
public int Start
get { return _start; }
public int Count
get { return _count; }
public int End
get { return _start + _count - 1; }
public IEnumerator<int> GetEnumerator()
for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i)
yield return _start + i;
// Heck, why not?
public static Range operator +(Range x, int y)
return new Range(x.Start, x.Count + y);
// skipping the explicit IEnumerable.GetEnumerator implementation
static IEnumerable<Range> FindRanges(IEnumerable<int> source, int minCount)
// throw exceptions on invalid arguments, maybe...
var ordered = source.OrderBy(x => x);
Range r = default(Range);
foreach (int value in ordered)
// In "real" code I would've overridden the Equals method
// and overloaded the == operator to write something like
// if (r == Range.Empty) here... but this works well enough
// for now, since the only time r.Count will be 0 is on the
// first item.
if (r.Count == 0)
r = new Range(value, 1);
if (value == r.End)
// skip duplicates
else if (value == r.End + 1)
// "append" consecutive values to the range
r += 1;
// return what we've got so far
if (r.Count >= minCount)
yield return r;
// start over
r = new Range(value, 1);
// return whatever we ended up with
if (r.Count >= minCount)
yield return r;
int[] numbers = new[] { 21, 4, 7, 9, 12, 22, 17, 8, 2, 20, 23 };
foreach (Range r in FindConsecutiveRanges(numbers, 3))
// Using .NET 3.5 here, don't have the much nicer string.Join overloads.
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", r.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()));
7、8、9 20、21、22、23
这是我的 LINQ-y 对这个问题的看法:
static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>>
ConsecutiveSequences(this IEnumerable<int> input, int minLength = 3)
int order = 0;
var inorder = new SortedSet<int>(input);
return from item in new[] { new { order = 0, val = inorder.First() } }
inorder.Zip(inorder.Skip(1), (x, val) =>
new { order = x + 1 == val ? order : ++order, val }))
group item.val by item.order into list
where list.Count() >= minLength
select list;
它不是严格意义上的 LINQ,尽管它确实使用了一些 LINQ 函数,而且我认为它比纯 LINQ 解决方案更具可读性。
static void Main(string[] args)
var items = new[] { -1, 0, 1, 21, -2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 22, 17, 8, 2, 20, 23 };
IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>> sequences = FindSequences(items, 3);
foreach (var sequence in sequences)
{ //print results to consol
Console.Out.WriteLine(sequence.Select(num => num.ToString()).Aggregate((a, b) => a + "," + b));
private static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>> FindSequences(IEnumerable<int> items, int minSequenceLength)
//Convert item list to dictionary
var itemDict = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach (int val in items)
itemDict[val] = val;
var allSequences = new List<List<int>>();
//for each val in items, find longest sequence including that value
foreach (var item in items)
var sequence = FindLongestSequenceIncludingValue(itemDict, item);
//remove items from dict to prevent duplicate sequences
sequence.ForEach(i => itemDict.Remove(i));
//return only sequences longer than 3
return allSequences.Where(sequence => sequence.Count >= minSequenceLength).ToList();
//Find sequence around start param value
private static List<int> FindLongestSequenceIncludingValue(Dictionary<int, int> itemDict, int value)
var result = new List<int>();
//check if num exists in dictionary
if (!itemDict.ContainsKey(value))
return result;
//initialize sequence list
//find values greater than starting value
//and add to end of sequence
var indexUp = value + 1;
while (itemDict.ContainsKey(indexUp))
//find values lower than starting value
//and add to start of sequence
var indexDown = value - 1;
while (itemDict.ContainsKey(indexDown))
result.Insert(0, itemDict[indexDown]);
return result;