该工具用于创建根文件夹中每个文件夹和文件的列表,这些文件还显示其大小以及创建/修改日期。问题是当文件或文件夹的结果路径超过 260 时,Error 76: Path Not Found
使用 Microsoft Scripting Runtime (FSO)ShortPath
\\ServerName00000\Root_Root_contentmanagement\DPT\STANDARDS_GUIDELINES\VENDOR_CERTIFICATION_FILES\PDFX_CERTIFICATION_ALL\2006_2007\DPT\CompantName0\Approved\Quark\India under Colonial Rule_structure sample\058231738X\Douglas M. Peers_01_058231738X\SUPPORT\ADDITIONAL INFORMATION\IUC-XTG & XML file
\\lo3uppesaapp001\pesa_cmcoe_contentmanagement\CTS\S4SJ05~5\V275SE~8\PDM5D9~G\2N52EQ~5\HPE\GS9C6L~U\Approved\Quark\IQPSJ5~F\0CWHH1~G\DOFNHA~8\SUPPORT\A6NO7S~K\IUC-XTG & XML file
(请注意,我已经更改了保护 IP 和公司信息的完整路径,但大小相同)
您可以看到,虽然我可以将短路径传递给某人,并且他们可以将其放入 Windows 资源管理器以到达那里,但他们只需查看就知道它去了哪里,为了解决这个问题,使用了一个将文件夹路径保持为完整的字符串并遵循短路径正在做的事情。这个字符串就是我输出给用户的内容。下面的代码被删减了,但显示了我是如何实现它的。
FSO 会解决这个问题,但路径不会很漂亮。
Dim FS As New FileSystemObject
Dim LngRow As Long
Dim StrFolderPath As String
Dim WkBk As Excel.Workbook
Dim WkSht As Excel.Worksheet
Public Sub Run_Master()
Set WkBk = Application.Workbooks.Add
WkBk.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Data.xlsx"
Set WkSht = WkBk.Worksheets(1)
WkSht.Range("A1") = "Path"
WkSht.Range("B1") = "File Name"
WkSht.Range("C1") = "Size (KB)"
WkSht.Range("D1") = "Created"
WkSht.Range("E1") = "Modified"
LngRow = 2
Run "\\ServerName00000\AREA_DEPT0_TASK000"
Set WkSht = Nothing
WkBk.Close 1
Set WkBk = Nothing
MsgBox "Done!"
End Sub
Private Sub Run(ByVal StrVolumeToCheck As String)
Dim Fldr As Folder
Dim Fldr2 As Folder
Set Fldr = FS.GetFolder(StrVolumeToCheck)
'This is the variable that follows the full path name
StrFolderPath = Fldr.Path
WkSht.Range("A" & LngRow) = StrFolderPath
LngRow = LngRow +1
For Each Fldr2 In Fldr.SubFolders
If (Left(Fldr2.Name, 1) <> ".") And (UCase(Trim(Fldr2.Name)) <> "LOST+FOUND") Then
ProcessFolder Fldr2.Path
End If
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub ProcessFolder(ByVal StrFolder As String)
'This is the one that will will be called recursively to list all files and folders
Dim Fls As Files
Dim Fl As File
Dim Fldrs As Folders
Dim Fldr As Folder
Dim RootFldr As Folder
Set RootFldr = FS.GetFolder(StrFolder)
If (RootFldr.Name <> "lost+found") And (Left(RootFldr.Name, 1) <> ".") Then
'Add to my full folder path
StrFolderPath = StrFolderPath & "\" & RootFldr.Name
WkSht.Range("A" & LngRow) = StrFolderPath
WkSht.Range("D1") = RootFldr.DateCreated
WkSht.Range("E1") = RootFldr.DateLastModified
Lngrow = LngRow + 1
'This uses the short path to get the files in FSO
Set Fls = FS.GetFolder(RootFldr.ShortPath).Files
For Each Fl In Fls
'This output our string variable of the path (i.e. not the short path)
WkSht.Range("A" & LngRow) = StrFolderPath
WkSht.Range("B" & LngRow) = Fl.Name
WkSht.Range("C" & LngRow) = Fl.Size /1024 '(bytes to kilobytes)
WkSht.Range("D" & LngRow) = Fl.DateCreated
WkSht.Range("E" & LngRow) = Fl.DateLastModified
LngRow = LngRow + 1
Set Fls = Nothing
'This uses the short path to get the sub-folders in FSO
Set Fldrs = FS.GetFolder(RootFldr.ShortPath).SubFolders
For Each Fldr In Fldrs
'Recurse this Proc
ProcessFolder Fldr.Path
Set Fldrs = Nothing
'Now we have processed this folder, trim the folder name off of the string
StrFolderPath = Left(StrFolderPath, Len(StrFolderPath) - Len(RootFldr.Name)+1)
End If
Set RootFldr = Nothing
End Sub