'2009-12 Dec' should be converted to '31-DEC-2009'
'2010-09 Sep' should be converted to '30-SEP-2010'
'2010-02 Feb' should be converted to '28-FEB-2010'
'2008-02 Feb' should be converted to '29-FEB-2008'
值2009-12 Dec , 2008-02 Feb将在下拉列表中显示给用户。用户没有选择DAY的选项。
。查询有 ' <= USER_DATE
' 条件。因此,应自动选择该月的最后一天并将其传递给数据库。
static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM MMM");
public static String convertMapedToSqlFormat(final String maped) {
String convertedMaped = null;
return convertedMaped;
public void testConvertMapedToSqlFormat() {
String[] mapedValues = { "2009-12 Dec", "2009-11 Nov", "2009-10 Oct",
"2009-09 Sep", "2009-08 Aug", "2009-07 Jul", "2009-06 Jun",
"2009-05 May", "2009-04 Apr", "2009-03 Mar", "2009-02 Feb",
"2009-01 Jan", "2008-12 Dec", "2008-11 Nov", "2008-10 Oct" };
for (String maped : mapedValues) {