我必须找到通过 cisco 2960 交换机中特定端口的网络流量。为此,我必须仅使用 SNMP 和 C# 编写代码。我已经在项目的中间,我想在我的项目中添加这个功能。我已经从特定位置引用并使用相同的库文件来执行此操作。SNMP 夏普
如果有人知道正确的 mib 以查找网络信息/状态以查找信息,请提供帮助。
这是我提到的链接.... Cisco
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SnmpSharpNet;
using System.Net;
namespace ConsoleApplication10
public static class Bandwidth
public static string bandwidth()
Console.WriteLine("\n\n --------------Bandwidth----------------");
string strMsg = "";
// SNMP community name
OctetString community = new OctetString("publicrw");
// Define agent parameters class
AgentParameters param = new AgentParameters(community);
// Set SNMP version to 1
param.Version = SnmpVersion.Ver1;
// Construct the agent address object
// IpAddress class is easy to use here because
// it will try to resolve constructor parameter if it doesn't
// parse to an IP address
IpAddress agent = new IpAddress("");
// Construct target
UdpTarget target = new UdpTarget((IPAddress)agent, 161, 2000, 1);
//SnmpV2Packet pkt = ifspeed();
//foreach (Vb v in pkt.Pdu.VbList)
// if (v.Value.Type == SnmpConstants.SMI_ENDOFMIBVIEW)
// {
// // end of mib reached
// return strMsg;
// }
// else
// {
// // process Vb value
// }
Pdu pdu = new Pdu(PduType.Get);
pdu.VbList.Add("");//Input Octect
pdu.VbList.Add("");//Output Octect
pdu.VbList.Add("");//If Speed
// Make SNMP request
SnmpV1Packet result = (SnmpV1Packet)target.Request(pdu, param);
// If result is null then agent didn't reply or we couldn't parse the reply.
if (result != null)
// ErrorStatus other then 0 is an error returned by
// the Agent - see SnmpConstants for error definitions
if (result.Pdu.ErrorStatus != 0)
// agent reported an error with the request
Console.WriteLine("Error in SNMP reply. Error {0} index {1}",
Console.WriteLine("sysDescr({0}) ({1}): {2}",
//Giving values to a variable
int a = Convert.ToInt32(result.Pdu.VbList[0].Value.ToString());
int b = Convert.ToInt32(result.Pdu.VbList[1].Value.ToString());
int c = Convert.ToInt32(result.Pdu.VbList[2].Value.ToString());
// Calculating IfSpeed
int d = (((b - a) / 60));
//Calculting Utilization
Console.WriteLine("Input utilization:"+ ((a*8) / (d)));
Console.WriteLine("Output utilization:" + ((b * 8) / (d)));
Console.WriteLine("No response received from SNMP agent.");
return strMsg;