我有 2 个 Python 脚本,它们是 main_menu.py 和 inputip.py。
当我的函数在 inputip.py 中完成时,当我按“enter”重定向到 main_menu.py 时,就会出现问题。该脚本不允许我重定向到 main_menu.py,而是在 Windows 命令提示符下显示此错误:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\python\main_menu.py", line 32, in ?
File "C:\python\Inputip.py", line 11, in ?
input ("\nSelect enter to proceed back to Main Menu\n")
File "<string>", line 0
^ SyntaxError: 解析时出现意外 EOF
def menu():
#print what options you have
print "Welcome to Simple Network Program"
print " "
print "Please enter a following option to proceed"
print " "
print "2) View Personal IP Address"
print " "
return input ("Select an Option here: ")
loop = 1
choice = 0
while loop == 1:
choice = menu()
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 5:
loop = 0
print "Thank you for using the Simple Network Program!"
#! /usr/bin/python
# To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
# and open the template in the editor.
import socket
import os
print ("\n\n"+socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()))
input ("\nSelect enter to proceed back to Main Menu\n")
错误似乎指向 execfile。关于代码的一些建议会很棒。谢谢!