在此处输入图像描述 我知道该算法使用时间复杂度的 8 次乘法和 4 次加法: 在此处输入图像描述

乘法是在每个n/2 * n/2矩阵上完成的。我对此有几个问题:

  1. 每个n * n矩阵是否最终通过执行减小到n=1大小T(n/2)?如果这样返回a11*b11似乎没有意义,就像1*6a11*b11下面的矩阵返回:


然后基本情况应该n==2执行 else 部分,因为下面的操作似乎是合法的。


  1. 为什么要加法部分0(n^2)?我的意思是,我们完全不处理矩阵加法,而只是处理数字,因为每个矩阵都简化为2 * 2如下所示:




3 回答 3



  1. 事实上,所有矩阵最终都归结为1*1矩阵;这应该不足为奇,因为矩阵乘法的基本定义最终是根据底层环的乘法来定义的。

  2. 加法部分在递归的每个级别上都具有复杂性0(n^2),因为加法是在乘法的递归评估结果上执行的。

于 2016-07-14T08:04:41.923 回答

1) 矩阵最终会缩减为 1*1 矩阵。但没关系,你甚至可以为 n==2 设置一个基本情况,它仍然是 O(1) 时间,因为乘以 2*2 矩阵仍然需要恒定的时间,并且复杂度仍然保持不变。

2)加法部分应该具有复杂度 O(n^2),因为每个子问题都有 (n^2)/4 个元素,并且有 4 个这样的子问题,这意味着您实际上正在执行 n^2 操作,结果为 O(n^2 ) 复杂性。

于 2017-02-02T10:47:44.440 回答

只是看到算法可能不清楚为什么加法步骤需要 theta(n^2) 时间。我也有同样的困惑,即加法应该花费恒定的时间。addMatrices() 方法中使用 2*2 矩阵,如果我们进行以下更改

C[rowC][columnC] = A[0][0] + B[0][0];


但是,一旦我们采用 4*4 矩阵,就会看到调用堆栈中会发生一些 addMatrices() 方法调用,这会从矩阵 A 和 B 中添加多个元素。这就是为什么需要在循环内运行加法。


package matrix;

 * Square Matrix multiplication(2^x) using divide and conquer technique
 * @author kmandal
public class MatrixMultiplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[][] A = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } };
        int[][] B = { { 5, 6 }, { 7, 8 } };
        int C[][] = squareMatrixMultiplyRecursive(A, B);

        for (int i = 0; i < C.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < C.length; j++) {
                System.out.print(C[i][j] + "    ");

    private static int[][] squareMatrixMultiplyRecursive(int[][] A, int[][] B) {
        return squareMatrixMultiplicationDNC(A, B, 0, 0, 0, 0, A.length);

     * <pre>
     * Let A and B are 2 square matrices with dimension 2^x
     * A = [
     *      A00     A01
     *      A10     A11
     *      ]
     * ,
     * B = [
     *      B00     B01
     *      B10     B11
     *      ]
     * C be another matrix stores the result of multiplication of A and B.
     *  C = A.B;
     *  C = [
     *      C00     C01
     *      C10     C11
     *      ]
     *  where
     *  for C00 calculation, elements in 0th row of A and 0th column of B considered
     *  C00 = A00*B00+A01*B10;  
     *  for C01 calculation, elements in 0th row of A and 1st column of B considered
     *  C01 = A00*B01+A01*B11; 
     *  for C10 calculation, elements in 1st row of A and 0th column of B considered
     *  C10 = A10*B00+A11*B10; 
     *  for C11 calculation, elements in 1st row of A and 1st column of B considered
     *  C11 = A10*B01+A11*B11;
     * Here we are using index based calculation, 
     * hence time complexity for index calculation is Theta(1). 
     * We have divided the problem into 8 sub-problems with size n/2.
     * Hence the recurrence for this divide part is: 8T(n/2).
     * Additionally we need to consider the cost of matrix addition step, 
     * which is Theta(n^2). For more details refer addMatrices() method.
     * Hence the recurrence relation become 
     * T(n) = Theta(1) + 8T(n/2)+ Theta(n^2);
     * Applying Master theorem, 
     * the time complexity of this algorithm become O(n^3)
     * </pre>
     * @param A
     * @param B
     * @param rowA
     * @param columnA
     * @param rowB
     * @param columnB
     * @param size
     * @return
    private static int[][] squareMatrixMultiplicationDNC(int[][] A, int[][] B,
            int rowA, int columnA, int rowB, int columnB, int size) {
        int[][] C = new int[size][size];
        if (size == 1) {
            C[0][0] = A[rowA][columnA] * B[rowB][columnB];
        } else {
            int newSize = size / 2;
            // calculate C00 = A00*B00+A01*B10;
                    squareMatrixMultiplicationDNC(A, B, rowA, columnA, rowB,
                            columnB, newSize),
                    squareMatrixMultiplicationDNC(A, B, rowA,
                            columnA + newSize, rowB + newSize, columnB, newSize),
                    0, 0);
            // calculate C01 = A00*B01+A01*B11;
                    squareMatrixMultiplicationDNC(A, B, rowA, columnA, rowB,
                            columnB + newSize, newSize),
                    squareMatrixMultiplicationDNC(A, B, rowA,
                            columnA + newSize, rowB + newSize, columnB
                                    + newSize, newSize), 0, newSize);
            // calculate C10 = A10*B00+A11*B10;
                    squareMatrixMultiplicationDNC(A, B, rowA + newSize,
                            columnA, rowB, columnB, newSize),
                    squareMatrixMultiplicationDNC(A, B, rowA + newSize, columnA
                            + newSize, rowB + newSize, columnB, newSize),
                    newSize, 0);
            // calculate C11 = A10*B01+A11*B11;
                    squareMatrixMultiplicationDNC(A, B, rowA + newSize,
                            columnA, rowB, columnB + newSize, newSize),
                    squareMatrixMultiplicationDNC(A, B, rowA + newSize, columnA
                            + newSize, rowB + newSize, columnB + newSize,
                            newSize), newSize, newSize);

        return C;

     * Matrix I represented by 2 dimensional array hence for addition of 2
     * matrices, need to fetch same element from both the matrices and then
     * add them. Traversing 2D array mean need to access elements by row and
     * column index thus need to loop inside loop. Hence time complexity of
     * addition is Theta(n^2)
     * @param C
     * @param A
     * @param B
     * @param rowC
     * @param columnC
    private static void addMatrices(int[][] C, int[][] A, int[][] B, int rowC,
            int columnC) {
        int n = A.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                C[i + rowC][j + columnC] = A[i][j] + B[i][j];

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于 2020-09-01T08:58:03.920 回答