我正在尝试将我的 symfony3 项目部署到生产服务器使用deployer.ord. 我已经经历了所有deployer.org的事情,不知道出了什么问题。下面是我的deploy.php文件

 * This file has been generated automatically.
 * Please change the configuration for correct use deploy.

require 'recipe/symfony.php';

// Set configurations
set('repository', 'git@github.com:XXXXXX/YYYYYY');
set('shared_files', ['app/config/parameters.yml']);
set('shared_dirs', ['app/logs']);
set('writable_dirs', ['app/cache', 'app/logs']);

// Configure servers
server('production', 'dummysite.com', '21')
    ->env('deploy_path', '/home/www/dummysite.com/web')

 * Restart php-fpm on success deploy.
task('php-fpm:restart', function () {
    // Attention: The user must have rights for restart service
    // Attention: the command "sudo /bin/systemctl restart php-fpm.service" used only on CentOS system
    // /etc/sudoers: username ALL=NOPASSWD:/bin/systemctl restart php-fpm.service
    run('sudo /bin/systemctl restart php-fpm.service');
})->desc('Restart PHP-FPM service');

after('success', 'php-fpm:restart');

 * Attention: This command is only for for example. Please follow your own migrate strategy.
 * Attention: Commented by default.  
 * Migrate database before symlink new release.

// before('deploy:symlink', 'database:migrate');

我得到的错误是:PHP Notice: Connection terminated by the server

我已经尝试过这个资源,但仍然没有运气 http://www.issart.com/blog/deployment-of-symfony2-application-using-deployer/

我想知道我是否使用了正确的凭据(我使用的是 ftp 凭据)进行部署。

我也无法在 deployer.org 上找到很多在线信息以及如何部署和调试的分步信息,因此我们将不胜感激。


1 回答 1


稍后 :)

namespace Deployer;

require 'recipe/symfony3.php';

详细信息:https ://github.com/deployphp/deployer/blob/master/recipe/symfony3.php

于 2020-07-07T07:24:51.583 回答