我一直在测量皮质 m4 上的时钟周期数,现在想在皮质 m7 上进行测量。我用的板子是STM32F746ZG。
对于 m4,一切都适用:
volatile unsigned int *DWT_CYCCNT;
volatile unsigned int *DWT_CONTROL;
volatile unsigned int *SCB_DEMCR;
void reset_cnt(){
DWT_CYCCNT = (volatile unsigned int *)0xE0001004; //address of the register
DWT_CONTROL = (volatile unsigned int *)0xE0001000; //address of the register
SCB_DEMCR = (volatile unsigned int *)0xE000EDFC; //address of the register
*SCB_DEMCR = *SCB_DEMCR | 0x01000000;
*DWT_CYCCNT = 0; // reset the counter
void start_cnt(){
*DWT_CONTROL = *DWT_CONTROL | 0x00000001 ; // enable the counter
void stop_cnt(){
*DWT_CONTROL = *DWT_CONTROL & 0xFFFFFFFE ; // disable the counter
unsigned int getCycles(){
return *DWT_CYCCNT;
问题是当我在 m7 上运行时 DWT_CTRL 寄存器没有更改,并且保持 0x40000000 而不是更改为 0x40000001,因此循环计数始终为零。从我在其他帖子中读到的内容看来,您似乎需要将 FP_LAR 寄存器设置为 0xC5ACCE55 才能更改 DWT_CTRL。
我添加了这些定义(已尝试以下两个 FP_LAR_PTR 地址):
#define FP_LAR_PTR ((volatile unsigned int *) 0xe0000fb0) //according to reference
//#define FP_LAR_PTR ((volatile unsigned int *) 0xe0002fb0) //according to guy on the internet
// Lock Status Register lock status bit
#define DWT_LSR_SLK_Pos 1
#define DWT_LSR_SLK_Msk (1UL << DWT_LSR_SLK_Pos)
// Lock Status Register lock availability bit
#define DWT_LSR_SLI_Pos 0
#define DWT_LSR_SLI_Msk (1UL << DWT_LSR_SLI_Pos)
// Lock Access key, common for all
#define DWT_LAR_KEY 0xC5ACCE55
void dwt_access_enable(unsigned int ena){
volatile unsigned int *LSR;
LSR = (volatile unsigned int *) 0xe0000fb4;
uint32_t lsr = *LSR;;
//printf("LSR: %.8X - SLI MASK: %.8X\n", lsr, DWT_LSR_SLI_Msk);
if ((lsr & DWT_LSR_SLI_Msk) != 0) {
if (ena) {
//printf("LSR: %.8X - SLKMASK: %.8X\n", lsr, DWT_LSR_SLK_Msk);
if ((lsr & DWT_LSR_SLK_Msk) != 0) { //locked: access need unlock
printf("FP_LAR directly after change: 0x%.8X\n", *FP_LAR_PTR);
} else {
if ((lsr & DWT_LSR_SLK_Msk) == 0) { //unlocked
*FP_LAR_PTR = 0;
//printf("FP_LAR directly after change: 0x%.8X\n", *FP_LAR_PTR);
当我调用未注释的打印时,我得到 0xC5ACCE55 但是当我在函数返回后打印它时,我得到 0x00000000,我不知道为什么。我是在正确的轨道上还是完全错误的?
编辑:我想提一下我已经尝试过在函数中没有所有额外代码并且只尝试更改 LAR 寄存器也是一件好事。