打印流行节日歌曲的所有 12 首诗句。



第二节 圣诞节的第二天,我的真爱给了我两只斑鸠和梨树上的一只鹧鸪。


第 N 节:在圣诞节的第 n 天,我的真爱给了我(第 N-1 节没有第一行)(第 N 节中添加的行)


45 回答 45


普通 Lisp:

(mapc #'princ
      (reverse (maplist #'(lambda(l)
         (format nil 
            "On the ~:R day of Christmas my true love gave to me~%~{~a~%~}~%" 
                (length l) l)) 
    '("twelve drummers drumming,"
      "eleven pipers piping,"
      "ten lords a-leaping,"
      "nine ladies dancing,"
      "eight maids a-milking,"
      "seven swans a-swimming,"
      "six geese a-laying,"
      "five gold rings,"
      "four calling birds,"
      "three french hens,"
      "two turtle doves, and"
      "a partridge in a pear tree."))))


如果去掉空格,上面是 412 个字符。


(let ((g))
  (dotimes (i 12)
    (format t
        "On the ~:R day of Christmas my true love gave to me~%~{~R ~:*~
         ~[~;~;turtle doves and~;french hens,~;calling birds,~;gold rings,~
         ~;geese a-laying,~;swans a-swimming,~;maids a-milking,~
         ~;ladies dancing,~;lords a-leaping,~;pipers piping,~
         ~;drummers drumming,~]~%~}a partridge in a pear tree~2%"
        (1+ i) g)
    (push (+ i 2) g)))

如果在格式字符串中去掉空格和 ~ 引用换行符,则为 344 个字符:

(let((g))(dotimes(i 12)(format t"On the ~:R day of Christmas my true love gave to me~%~{~R ~:*~[~;~;turtle doves and~;french hens,~;calling birds,~;gold rings,~;geese a-laying,~;swans a-swimming,~;maids a-milking,~;ladies dancing,~;lords a-leaping,~;pipers piping,~;drummers drumming,~]~%~}a partridge in a pear tree~2%"(1+ i)g)(push(+ i 2)g)))




于 2008-12-20T15:21:11.070 回答

使用 F#:

open System.Net; open System.Text.RegularExpressions
printf "%s" ((new WebClient()).DownloadString("http://www.textfiles.com/holiday/12-bugs")
    |> (fun x -> (new Regex("Lines: \d+\s+([\s\S]+)--")).Match(x).Groups.[1].Value))


于 2008-12-20T17:15:50.370 回答


这是来自http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obfuscated_code的一个著名示例(作者:James O. Coplien):

#include <stdio.h>
main(t,_,a)char *a;{return!0<t?t<3?main(-79,-13,a+main(-87,1-_,
main(2,_+1,"%s %d %d\n"):9:16:t<0?t<-72?main(_,t,
;#q#n+,/+k#;*+,/'r :'d*'3,}{w+K w'K:'+}e#';dq#'l \
q#'+d'K#!/+k#;q#'r}eKK#}w'r}eKK{nl]'/#;#q#n'){)#}w'){){nl]'/+#n';d}rw' i;# \
){nl]!/n{n#'; r{#w'r nc{nl]'/#{l,+'K {rw' iK{;[{nl]'/w#q#n'wk nw' \
iwk{KK{nl]!/w{%'l##w#' i; :{nl]'/*{q#'ld;r'}{nlwb!/*de}'c \
;;{nl'-{}rw]'/+,}##'*}#nc,',#nw]'/+kd'+e}+;#'rdq#w! nr'/ ') }+}{rl#'{n' ')# \
"!ek;dc i@bK'(q)-[w]*%n+r3#l,{}:\nuwloca-O;m .vpbks,fxntdCeghiry"),a+1);}

“虽然乍一看难以理解,但它是一个合法的 C 程序,在编译和运行时会生成《圣诞节的 12 天》的 12 节经文。它包含以编码形式内联在代码中的诗歌所需的所有字符串。代码遍历 12 天,显示它需要什么。”

但它不会赢得高尔夫,它大约是 830 字节。

于 2008-12-20T17:01:20.167 回答
class TrueLove: ITrueLove 
  List<IPresent> give(int day) 
    List<IPresent> lovesLabourLost = new List<IPresent>();

    //if this was C++ could you replace this with a Figgy Duff Device?
    for (int i=1; i<=day; i++)
      if(day > 1 && i<=2) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new TurtleDove());}
      if(day > 2 && i<=3) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new FrenchHen());}
      if(day > 3 && i<=4) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new CallingBird());}
      if(day > 4 && i<=5) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new GOLDRING());}
      if(day > 5 && i<=6) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new LayingGeese());}
      if(day > 6 && i<=7) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new SwimmingSwan());}
      if(day > 7 && i<=8) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new MilikingMaid());}
      if(day > 8 && i<=9) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new DancingLady());}
      if(day > 9 && i<=10) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new LeapingLord());}
      if(day > 10 && i<=11) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new PipingPiper());}
      if(day > 11 && i<=12) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new DrummingDrummer());}

    return lovesLabourLost && (new PartridgeInPearTree());

static class Me: IDemanding
  static ITrueLove myTrueLove = new TrueLove();

  static List<IPresent> myPresents = new List<IPresent>();

  static void demandPresents()
    for (int i=1; i<=daysOfChristmas; i++)
      List<IPresent> MOAR = myTrueLove.give(i);

      foreach (IPresent another in MOAR)

const int daysOfChristmas = 12;

于 2008-12-20T19:19:31.930 回答

在 D 编程语言中,使用 switch 语句贯穿:

import std.stdio;

void main() {
    for(uint i = 1; i < 13; i++) {
        writeln("On the ", i, " day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:");
        switch(i) {
            case 12:
                writeln("twelve drummers drumming,");
            case 11:
                writeln("eleven pipers piping,");
            case 10:
                writeln("ten lords a-leaping,");
            case 9:
                writeln("nine ladies dancing,");
            case 8:
                writeln("eight maids a-milking,");
            case 7:
                writeln("seven swans a-swimming,");
            case 6:
                writeln("six geese a-laying,");
            case 5:
                writeln("five gold rings,");
            case 4:
                writeln("four calling birds,");
            case 3:
                writeln("three french hens,");
            case 2:
                writeln("two turtle doves, and");
            case 1:
                writeln("a partridge in a pear tree.\n");
于 2008-12-21T16:02:01.877 回答


wget -qO- http://tinyurl.com/a3xw8b

我使用frizzer.myopenid.com的 CLisp 实现的输出作为开始。

于 2008-12-21T02:37:45.370 回答

在 C++ 中,你会

std::cout << boost::12_days_of_christmas;
于 2008-12-22T23:39:42.683 回答

C#,421 个字符

var t="";for(int i=0;i++<12;)Console.Write("On the {0}{1} day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: {2}\n",i,i<2?"st":i<3?"nd":i<4?"rd":"th",t="|a partridge in a pear tree.|two turtle doves, and |three french hens,|four calling birds,|five gold rings|six geese a-lay@seven swans a-swimm@eight maids a-milk@nine ladies danc@ten lords a-leap@eleven pipers pip@twelve drummers drumm@".Replace("@","ing,|").Split('|')[i]+t);


var t="";

for(int i = 0; i++ < 12;)
    Console.Write("On the {0}{1} day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: {2}\n",
            i < 2 ? "st" : i < 3 ? "nd" : i < 4 ? "rd" : "th",
            t="|a partridge in a pear tree.
               |two turtle doves, and 
               |three french hens,
               |four calling birds,
               |five gold rings
               |six geese a-lay
               @seven swans a-swimm
               @eight maids a-milk
               @nine ladies danc
               @ten lords a-leap
               @eleven pipers pip
               @twelve drummers drumm@"
于 2008-12-20T19:50:48.840 回答

PHP:375 个字符

$v=split(":",":a partridge in a pear tree.\n:two turtle doves, and:three french hens:four calling birds:five gold rings:six geese a-lay:seven swans a-swimm:eigth maids a-milk:nine ladies danc:ten lords a-leap:eleven pipers pip:twelve drummers drumm");while($i<12){?>On the <?=date(jS,$i*86400)," day of Christmas my true love gave to me",$s=", ".$v[++$i].($i>5?'ing':'').$s;}


<?$v=split(":",":a partridge in a pear tree.\n:two turtle doves, and:three french hens:four calling birds:five gold rings:six geese a-lay:seven swans a-swimm:eigth maids a-milk:nine ladies danc:ten lords a-leap:eleven pipers pip:twelve drummers drumm");while($i<12){?>On the <?=date(jS,$i*86400)," day of Christmas my true love gave to me",$s=", ".$v[++$i].($i>5?'ing':'').$s;}
于 2008-12-21T15:50:21.353 回答

VB.Net - 530 个字符(无空格)、634 个(空格)

Module ChristmasSong
    Sub Main()
        Dim i&, f$ : Dim d$() = {"first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "ninth", "tenth", "eleventh", "twelfth"}, g$() = {"a partridge in a pear tree.", "two turtle doves, and ", "three french hens, ", "four calling birds, ", "five gold rings, ", "six geese a-laying, ", "seven swans a-swimming, ", "eigth maids a-milking, ", "nine ladies dancing, ", "ten lords a-leaping, ", "eleven pipers piping, ", "twelve drummers drumming, "}
        For i = 0 To 11 : f = g(i) & f : Console.WriteLine("On the {0} day of Christmas, my true love gave to me {1}", d(i), f) : Next
    End Sub
End Module
于 2008-12-20T19:24:12.687 回答

Linq to objects,580 个字符(没有空格)

Console.WriteLine(Enumerable.Range(1, 13).SelectMany(day =>
    Enumerable.Repeat("\nOn the " + day + 
                      (day == 1 ? "st" : 
                      (day == 2 ? "nd" : 
                      (day == 3 ? "rd" : 
                      "th"))) + " day of Christmas my true love gave to me ", 1)
              .Concat((new []
                    "twelve drummers drumming,",
                    "eleven pipers piping,",
                    "ten lords a-leaping,",
                    "nine ladies dancing,",
                    "eight maids a-milking,",
                    "seven swans a-swimming,",
                    "six geese a-laying,",
                    "five gold rings,",
                    "four calling birds,",
                    "three french hens,",
                    "two turtle doves, and",
                    "a partridge in a pear tree."
              .Aggregate((a, b) => a + "\n" + b));
于 2008-12-21T13:20:03.123 回答


use Lingua::EN::Numbers qw(num2en_ordinal);
print 'On the ', num2en_ordinal($_+1),' day of Christmas my true love gave to me, ', reverse(( split /\|/, "a partridge in a pear tree.\n|two turtle doves, and |three french hens, |four calling birds, |five gold rings, |six geese a-laying, |seven swans a-swimming, |eight maids a-milking, |nine ladies dancing, |ten lords a leaping, |eleven pipers piping, |twelve drummers drumming, ")[ 0 .. $_ ]) for 0 .. 11;

(459 个字符)





use Lingua::EN::Numbers qw(num2en_ordinal);
my @gifts = (
    'a partridge in a pear tree.',
    'two turtle doves, and ',
    'three french hens, ',
    'four calling birds, ',
    'five gold rings, ',
    'six geese a-laying, ',
    'seven swans a-swimming, ',
    'eight maids a-milking, ',
    'nine ladies dancing, ',
    'ten lords a leaping, ',
    'eleven pipers piping, ',
    'twelve drummers drumming, '
for my $verse_id ( 0 .. $#gifts ) {
    printf 'On the %s day of Christmas my true love gave to me, ', num2en_ordinal($verse_id +1);
    print reverse @verse[ 0 .. $verse_id ];
    print "\n";
于 2008-12-20T18:02:13.070 回答
for d in range(12):print"On the %s day of Christmas, my true love gave to me\n\t%s\n"%("first|second|third|fourth|fifth|sixth|seventh|eighth|ninth|tenth|eleventh|twelfth".split("|")[d],"\n\t".join("twelve drummers drumming|eleven pipers piping|ten lords a-leaping|nine ladies dancing|eight maids a-milking|seven swans a-swimming|six geese a-laying|five gold rings|four calling birds|three french hens|two turtle doves and|a partridge in a pear tree.".split("|")[11-d:]))

Python,422 个字符

于 2008-12-20T23:14:13.487 回答

LilyPond,340 个字符(比 Common Lisp 短)

'这是季节!(而且相当合适,因为 LilyPond 主要用于排版音乐......除了歌词之外,人们可以轻松地修改此代码来为歌曲制作乐谱。)

改编自 fizzer 的解决方案。

#(map(lambda(x)(format #t"On the ~:R day of Christmas my true love gave to me~{ ~R~:*~[~;~;turtle doves and~;French hens,~;calling birds,~;gold rings,~;geese a-laying,~;swans a-swimming,~;maids a-milking,~;ladies dancing,~;lords a-leaping,~;pipers piping,~;drummers drumming,~]~} a partridge in a pear tree.
"x(iota(1- x)x -1)))(iota 12 1))

用法:$ lilypond thisfile.ly

此版本包含 341 个字符,与 fizzer 的输出完全匹配,但短了三个字节

#(map(lambda(x)(format #t"On the ~:R day of Christmas my true love gave to me~{
~R ~:*~[~;~;turtle doves and~;french hens,~;calling birds,~;gold rings,~;geese a-laying,~;swans a-swimming,~;maids a-milking,~;ladies dancing,~;lords a-leaping,~;pipers piping,~;drummers drumming,~]~}
a partridge in a pear tree

"x(iota(1- x)x -1)))(iota 12 1))
于 2009-12-15T05:22:09.387 回答


days = %w{First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth}

presents = [
    "twelve drummers drumming",
    "eleven pipers piping",
    "ten lords a leaping",
    "nine ladies dancing",
    "eight maids a-milking",
    "seven swans a-swimming",
    "six geese a-laying",
    "five gold rings",
    "four calling birds",
    "three french hens",
    "two turtle doves, and",
    "a partridge in a pear tree"

0.upto(11) { |i| 
    puts "On the #{days[i]} of Christmas my true love gave to me " + presents.last(i+1).join(", ")
于 2008-12-20T17:10:40.927 回答


perl -MTemplate -e 'Template->new()->process("12dayxmas.tt")'


  清单 = [
    { day => 'first', item => '梨树上的鹧鸪'},
    { day => 'second', item => '两只斑鸠和'},
    { day => 'third', item => '三只法国母鸡, '},
    { day => 'fourth', item => '四只呼唤鸟,'},
    { day => 'fifth', item => '五枚金戒指, '},
    { day => '第六', item => '六鹅产蛋, '},
    { day => 'seventh', item => '七只天鹅游泳,'},
    { day => '第八', item => '八个女仆挤奶, '},
    { day => '第九', item => '九位女士跳舞, '},
    { day => 'tenth', item => '十主跳跃, '},
    { day => '十一',item => '十一风笛,'},
    { day => '第十二',item => '十二个鼓手打鼓,'}
在圣诞节的 [% day %] 那天,我的真爱给了我 [% present %]

[% 结尾 %]
于 2008-12-20T18:00:42.370 回答


$day = Array('first','second','third','fourth','fifth','sixth','seventh',
$gifts = Array('Twelve drummers drumming,',
               'Eleven pipers piping,',
               'Ten lords a-leaping,',
               'Nine ladies dancing,',
               'Eight maids a-milking,',
               'Seven swans a-swimming,',
               'Six geese a-laying,',
               'FIVE GOLDEN RINGS,',
               'Four calling birds,',
               'Three French hens,',
               'Two turtle doves, and',
               'A partridge in a pear tree');

for ($i = 0; $i < 12; ++$i) {
    printf("On the $day[$i] of Christmas my true love gave to me\n" . 
         implode("\n", array_slice($gifts,-($i+1))) . "\n\n");
于 2008-12-20T18:56:38.327 回答


于 2008-12-20T19:18:16.457 回答

Python(71+467 包括空格)

import sys
sys.path += ["TDOC.zip"]
import TDOC

其中 TDOC.zip(467 字节)包含 TDOC.py:

def print_verse(presents="""\
twelve drummers drumming,
eleven pipers piping,
ten lords a-leaping,
nine ladies dancing,
eigth maids a-milking,
seven swans a-swimming,
six geese a-laying,
five gold rings,
four calling birds,
three french hens,
two turtle doves, and
a partridge in a pear tree.""".split("\n")):
    if presents: 

        number = presents[0].split(" ", 1)[0]
        print("On the %s day of Christmas my true love gave to me %s" % (
            dict(a="first", two="second", three="third", five="fifth").get(number, number+"th"),
            " ".join(presents)))
于 2008-12-20T22:32:21.277 回答


string[] s = new string[]{
    "a partridge in a pear tree.",
    "two turtle doves, and ",
    "three french hens, ",
    "four calling birds, ",
    "five gold rings, ",
    "six geese a-laying, ",
    "seven swans a-swimming, ",
    "eight maids a-milking, ",
    "nine ladies dancing, ",
    "ten lords a-leaping, ",
    "eleven pipers piping, ",
    "twelve drummers drumming, "
string t = "";
for (int x = 0; x < s.Length; x++) {
    t = s[x] + t;
    Console.Write("On the " 
      + (x + 1).ToString() 
      + (x == 0 ? "st" : (x == 1 ? "nd" : (x == 2 ? "rd" : "th"))) 
      + " day of christmas, my true love gave to me: " + t + "\n");

574 个字符,不包括缩进。添加一些额外的字符以使号码扩展正确。不过,可能会有所改进。

于 2008-12-20T16:37:38.107 回答


     string[] days = new string[] {"First", 
    "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth", "Sixth", 
    "Seventh", "Eighth", "Ninth", "Tenth", "Eleventh", "Twelfth"};

    string[] presents = new string[] {"a partridge in a pear tree.",
    "two turtle doves, and",
    "three french hens,", 
    "four calling birds,", 
    "five gold rings,", 
    "six geese a-laying,", 
    "seven swans a-swimming,", 
    "eigth maids a-milking,", 
    "nine ladies dancing,", 
    "ten lords a-leaping,", 
    "eleven pipers piping,", 
    "twelve drummers drumming,"};

     int cnt =0;
     foreach (string s in presents)
           Console.WriteLine(string.Format("On the {0} day of Christmas my true love gave to me", days[cnt++]));
           foreach (string p in presents.Take(cnt).Reverse())
于 2008-12-20T16:39:07.263 回答

我无法击败 Lisp 版本,但它仍然很有趣。


procedure TheTwelfDaysOfChristmas(const AVerse: TStrings);
  cPresentList : array[1..12] of string = (
    'a partridge in a pear tree',
    'two turtle doves, and ',
    'three french hens, ',
    'four calling birds, ',
    'five gold rings, ',
    'six geese a-laying, ',
    'seven swans a-swimming, ',
    'eigth maids a-milking, ',
    'nine ladies dancing, ',
    'ten lords a-leaping, ',
    'eleven pipers piping, ',
    'twelve drummers drumming, '
  cTime : array[1..12] of string = (
  present : string;
  i       : Integer;

  present := '';
  for i := 1 to 12 do begin
    present := cPresentList[i] + present;
    AVerse.Add(Format('On the %s day of Christmas my true love gave me %s.',
      [cTime[i], present]));

顺便说一句,对于你们所有人,2009 年节日快乐,编程很棒。

于 2008-12-20T16:48:31.923 回答


a=["and a partridge in a pear tree","turtle doves","French hens","calling birds","golden rings","geese a-laying","swans a-swimming","maids a-milking","ladies dancing","lords a-leaping","pipers piping","drummers drumming"]     
0.upto(11){|d|puts "On the "+c[d]+" day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:\n"+b[d]+" "+a[d]+",";(d-1).downto(0){|e| f=", ";f = "." if e==0;puts b[e]+" "+a[e]+f;}}

总计:593 字节,使用 UNIX LF。

于 2008-12-20T19:11:33.227 回答


$g = array("a partridge in a pear tree.\n",
    "two turtle doves, and",
"three french hens,",
"four calling birds,",
"five gold rings,",
"six geese a-laying,",
"seven swans a-swimming,",
"eight maids a-milking,",
"nine ladies dancing,",
"ten lords a-leaping,",
"eleven pipers piping,",
"twelve drummers drumming,"
$d = array("first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth",
 "seventh", "eighth", "nineth", "tenth", "eleventh", "twelfth");
foreach($d as $i=>$v){
    echo "On the $v day of Christmas my true love gave to me";
    for($j=$i;$j>=0;$j--) echo " ",$g[$j];
于 2008-12-20T19:41:05.337 回答

26 字节!..

正如 URL 所暗示的,它可能被认为是.. 作弊:


于 2008-12-21T08:57:55.273 回答

这是一个 Haskell 版本:

import Data.List
main=putStrLn$unlines$map(uncurry(\n->(++)("On the "++show n++case n of{1->"st";2->"nd";3->"rd";_->"th"}++" day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: ")))$zip[1..]$(\a->(drop 4$head a):tail a)$ map(intercalate", ".reverse)$tail$inits["and a partridge in a pair tree","two turtle doves","three french hens","four calling birds","five gold rings","six geese a-laying","seven swans a-swimming","eight maids a milking","nine ladies dancing","ten lords a-leaping","eleven pipers piping","twelve drummers drumming"]

它有 527 个字符。由于没有良好的间距,它相当难以理解,这里有一个更分散的版本:

import Data.List
main = putStrLn
       $ unlines
       $ map (uncurry (\n -> (++) ("On the " ++ show n ++ case n of { 1 -> "st"; 2 -> "nd"; 3 -> "rd"; _ -> "th"} ++ " day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: ")))
       $ zip [1..]
       $ (\a -> (drop 4 $ head a) : tail a)
       $ tail
       $ map (intercalate ", " . reverse)
             (inits ["and a partridge in a pair tree", "two turtle doves", "three french hens", "four calling birds", "five gold rings", "six geese a-laying", "seven swans a-swimming", "eight maids a milking", "nine ladies dancing", "ten lords a-leaping", "eleven pipers piping", "twelve drummers drumming"])
于 2008-12-21T02:23:32.887 回答

另一个 C#

var l="a partridge in a pear tree.|two turtle doves, and|three french hens,|four calling birds,|five gold rings,|six geese a-laying,|seven swans a-swimming,|eight maids a-milking,|nine ladies dancing,|ten lords a-leaping,|eleven pipers piping,|twelve drummers drumming,".Split('|');

for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++)
        "On the {0}{2} day of christmas\rmy true love gave to me \r{1}\r\r", 
            string.Join("\r", l.Take(i).Reverse().ToArray()), 


去掉不必要的空格后 481 个字符:

var l="a partridge in a pear tree.|two turtle doves, and|three french hens,|four calling birds,|five gold rings,|six geese a-laying,|seven swans a-swimming,|eight maids a-milking,|nine ladies dancing,|ten lords a-leaping,|eleven pipers piping,|twelve drummers drumming,".Split('|');for(int i=1;i<13;i++)Console.Write("On the {0}{2} day of christmas, my true love gave to me \r{1}\r\r",i,String.Join("\r",l.Take(i).Reverse().ToArray()),(i==1?"st":i==2?"nd":i==3?"rd":"th")); 
于 2008-12-21T02:46:47.940 回答

Objective-C / Cocoa

NSArray *days = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"first", @"second", @"third", @"forth", 
                    @"fifth", @"six", @"seventh", @"eigth", 
                    @"ninth", @"tenth", @"eleventh", @"twelth", nil];

NSArray *gifts = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
                    @"a partridge in a pear tree.\n\n",
                    @"two turtle doves, and\n",
                    @"three french hens,\n",
                    @"four calling birds,\n",                      
                    @"five gold rings,\n",
                    @"six geese a-laying,\n",
                    @"seven swans a-swimming,\n",
                    @"eigth maids a-milking,\n",                     
                    @"nine ladies dancing,\n",
                    @"ten lords a-leaping,\n",
                    @"eleven pipers piping,\n",    
                    @"twelve drummers drumming,\n",

NSMutableString *aggregator = [NSMutableString string];
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
    [aggregator insertString:[gifts objectAtIndex:i] atIndex:0];
    printf("on the %s day of xmas, my true love gave to me %s", [[days objectAtIndex:i] UTF8String], [aggregator UTF8String]);
于 2008-12-21T03:08:16.743 回答

一条线怎么样!这是在 C# 中。

Xmas(){Console.WriteLine("On the first day of Christmas,\r\nmy true love sent to me\r\nA partridge in a pear tree.\r\n\r\nOn the second day of Christmas,\r\nmy true love sent to me\r\nTwo turtle doves,\r\nAnd a partridge in a pear tree.\r\n\r\nOn the third day of Christmas,\r\nmy true love sent to me\r\nThree French hens,\r\nTwo turtle doves,\r\nAnd a partridge in a pear tree.\r\n\r\nOn the fourth day of Christmas,\r\nmy true love sent to me\r\nFour calling birds,\r\nThree French hens,\r\nTwo turtle doves,\r\nAnd a partridge in a pear tree.\r\n\r\nOn the fifth day of Christmas,\r\nmy true love sent to me\r\nFive golden rings,\r\nFour calling birds,\r\nThree French hens,\r\nTwo turtle doves,\r\nAnd a partridge in a pear tree.\r\n\r\nOn the sixth day of Christmas,\r\nmy true love sent to me\r\nSix geese a-laying,\r\nFive golden rings,\r\nFour calling birds,\r\nThree French hens,\r\nTwo turtle doves,\r\nAnd a partridge in a pear tree.\r\n\r\nOn the seventh day of Christmas,\r\nmy true love sent to me\r\nSeven swans a-swimming,\r\nSix geese a-laying,\r\nFive golden rings,\r\nFour calling birds,\r\nThree French hens,\r\nTwo turtle doves,\r\nAnd a partridge in a pear tree.\r\n\r\nOn the eighth day of Christmas,\r\nmy true, love sent to me\r\nEight maids a-milking,\r\nSeven swans a-swimming,\r\nSix geese a-laying,\r\nFive golden rings,\r\nFour calling birds,\r\nThree French hens,\r\nTwo turtle doves,\r\nAnd a partridge in a pear tree.\r\n\r\nOn the ninth day of Christmas,\r\nmy true love sent to me\r\nNine ladies dancing,\r\nEight maids a-milking,\r\nSeven swans a-swimming,\r\nSix geese a-laying,\r\nFive golden rings,\r\nFour calling birds,\r\nThree French hens,\r\nTwo turtle doves,\r\nAnd a partridge in a pear tree.\r\n\r\nOn the tenth day of Christmas,\r\nmy true love sent to me\r\nTen lords a-leaping,\r\nNine ladies dancing,\r\nEight maids a-milking,\r\nSeven swans a-swimming,\r\nSix geese a-laying,\r\nfive golden rings,\r\nFour calling birds,\r\nThree French hens,\r\nTwo turtle doves,\r\nAnd a partridge in a pear tree.\r\n\r\nOn the eleventh day of Christmas,\r\nmy true love sent to me\r\nEleven pipers piping,\r\nTen lords a-leaping,\r\nNine ladies dancing,\r\nEight maids a-milking,\r\nSeven swans a-swimming,\r\nSix geese a-laying\r\nFive golden rings,\r\nFour calling birds,\r\nThree French hens,\r\nTwo turtle doves,\r\nAnd a partridge in a pear tree.\r\n\r\nOn the twelfth day of Christmas,\r\nmy true love sent to me\r\nTwelve drummers drumming,\r\nEleven pipers piping,\r\nTen lords a-leaping,\r\nNine ladies dancing,\r\nEight maids a-milking,\r\nSeven swans a-swimming,\r\nSix geese a-laying,\r\nFive golden rings,\r\nFour calling birds,\r\nThree French hens,\r\nTwo turtle doves,\r\nAnd a partridge in a pear tree!");}
于 2008-12-21T16:27:57.533 回答

C#:395 个字符(不包括空格...)

for (var x = 0; x++ < 12; )
        "On the {0} day of Christmas,\nMy true love gave to me\n{1}\n\n",
        x + (x < 2 ? "st" : x < 3 ? "nd" : x < 4 ? "rd" : "th"),
            "a partridge in a pear tree.|turtle doves and|french hens|calling birds|gold rings|geese a-laying|swans a-swimming|maids a-milking|ladies dancing|lords a-leaping|pipers piping|drummers drumming"
                .Split('|').Take(x).Select((y, i) => (i > 0 ? (i + 1) + " " : "") + y).Reverse().ToArray()
于 2008-12-23T03:02:25.350 回答

这是一个 erlang 版本(约 586 个字符):

-module (xmas).
-export ([xmas/0]).
xmas() ->
    W = ["twelve drummers drumming, ",
    "eleven pipers piping, ",
    "ten lords a-leaping, ",
    "nine ladies dancing, ",
    "eight maids a-milking, ",
    "seven swans a-swimming, ",
    "six geese a-laying, ",
    "five gold rings, ",
    "four calling birds, ",
    "three french hens, ",
    "two turtle doves, and ",
    "a partridge in a pear tree."],
    fun(X,Acc) -> Acc ++ X ++ "~n" end, "",
    ["On the " ++ day_str(Q) ++ 
    " day of Christmas, my true love gave me " ++ 
        fun(X,Acc)-> Acc++X end,
        "", lists:nthtail(12-Q,W)) || 
        Q <- lists:seq(1,12)]),[]).
day_str(Q) ->
    case Q of
        1 -> "1st";
        2 -> "2nd";
        3 -> "3rd";
        N -> erlang:integer_to_list(N,10) ++ "th"
于 2008-12-23T12:26:36.583 回答

Python,436 个字符

(443 包括可选的换行符)

print """
于 2009-02-11T01:37:03.937 回答


我能用MATLAB 做的最好的事情:383个字符(删除空格和续行符号后)

a = {'twelve drummers drumming';...
     'eleven pipers piping';...
     'ten lords a-leaping';...
     'nine ladies dancing';...
     'eight maids a-milking';...
     'seven swans a-swimming';...
     'six geese a-laying';...
     'five gold rings';...
     'four calling birds';...
     'three french hens';...
     'two turtle doves and';...
     'a partridge in a pear tree.';’’};
b = {'st','nd','rd','th'};
for i = 1:12,...
  disp(char(['On the ',num2str(i),b{min(i,4)},...
             ' day of Christmas my true love gave to me'],...
于 2009-02-11T14:11:11.020 回答

423 字节,Lingua::EN::Number:

use Lingua::EN::Numbers qw/num2en num2en_ordinal/;
@l=map{($i++?num2en($i):'a')." $_"}split/\n/,<<"";
partridge in a pear tree
turtle doves, and
french hens
calling birds
gold rings
geese a-laying
swans a-swimming
maids a-milking
ladies dancing
lords a-leaping
pipers piping
drummers drumming

print"On the ".num2en_ordinal($_+1)
." day of Christmas, my true love gave to me ",
join(', ',reverse@l[0..$_]),"\n\n"for(0..11);

或者不使用 Lingua::EN::Numbers 的 perl 中的 480 字节:

@n=qw/first second third forth fifth sixth seventh eigth nineth tenth eleventh twelfth/;
print"On the $n[$_] day of Christmas, my true love gave to me ",
join(', ',reverse@l[0..$_]),"\n\n"for(0..11);
a partridge in a pear tree
two turtle doves, and 
three french hens
four calling birds 
five gold rings 
six geese a-laying
seven swans a-swimming
eight maids a-milking
nine ladies dancing
ten lords a-leaping
eleven pipers piping
twelve drummers drumming


于 2008-12-20T19:27:15.020 回答


dynamic另外,这是我对C# 4 中即将到来的关键字的致敬:

string lyric = "On day {0} of Christmas a dynamic gave to me {1} dynamics.";

int total = 0;
for (int day = 1; day <= 12; day++)
    total += day;
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format(lyric, day, total));

Console.WriteLine("I wonder what all these dynamics are? I guess I'll find out at runtime.");
于 2008-12-21T02:42:11.117 回答

Ruby:458 个字符
(+ 4 个换行符使其保持在 80 列以下)

n=%w{first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth}
["a partridge in a pear tree","two turtle doves, and","three french hens",
"four calling birds","five gold rings","six geese a-laying","seven swans a-swimming",
"eight maids a-milking","nine ladies dancing","ten lords a leaping",
"eleven pipers piping","twelve drummers drumming"].map{|p|
puts "On the #{n.pop} day of Christmas my true love gave to me: "+(s=p+', '+s)}
于 2008-12-22T21:38:36.003 回答

Java,基于 Esko 的第二种解决方案:

class C{
    public static void main(String[]d){
        String s="";
        String[]g="a partridge in a pear tree1two turtle doves,\nand 1three french hens,\n1four calling birds,\n1five gold rings,\n1six geese a-laying\n1seven swans a-swimming,\n1eight maids a-milking,\n1nine ladies dancing,\n1ten lords a-leaping,\n1eleven pipers piping,\n1twelve drummers drumming,\n".split("1");
        for(int i=0;i<12;)
            System.out.println("On the "+d[i]+" day of Christmas my true love gave to me:\n"+

如果我计算正确,那是 579 个字符(不包括缩进和换行符)。而这个是完全可运行的,并且不会将每一节都打印在一行上。输出是:





编辑:略微改进的版本,基于 balabaster 用一个字符替换公共字符串的想法:

class C{
    public static void main(String[]d){
        String s="";
        String[]g="a partridge in a pear tree1two turtle doves,\nand 1three french hens,\n1four calling birds,\n1five gold rings,\n1six geese a-lay#seven swans a-swimm#eight maids a-milk#nine ladies danc#ten lords a-leap#eleven pipers pip#twelve drummers drumm#".replace("#","ing,\n1").split("1");
        for(int i=0;i<12;)
            System.out.println("On the "+d[i]+" day of Christmas my true love gave to me:\n"+

它现在减少到 562 个字符(尽管我添加了一个以前错过的逗号)。

于 2008-12-23T16:29:21.150 回答

这不会赢,但这是我的 576 个字符的 Java 版本(可编译和可运行)。

class T{enum D{first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth}public static void main(String[] args){String o="",s="s, ",i="ing, ";String t[]={"a partridge in a pear tree","two turtle doves, and ","three french hen"+s,"four calling bird"+s,"five gold ring"+s,"six geese a-lay"+i,"seven swans a-swimm"+i,"eight maids a-milk"+i,"nine ladies danc"+i,"ten lords a-leap"+i,"eleven pipers pip"+i,"twelve drummers drumm"+i};int j=0;while(j<12)System.out.println("On the "+D.values()[j]+" day of Christmas my true love gave to me "+(o=t[j++]+o));}}
于 2009-07-14T16:09:22.713 回答

这里有一些 C# 的不同方法

List<string> lines = new List<string>(new string[]{
    "twelve drummers drumming,\n\r"
    , "eleven pipers piping,\n\r"
    , "ten lords a-leaping,\n\r"
    , "nine ladies dancing,\n\r"
    , "eigth maids a-milking,\n\r"
    , "seven swans a-swimming,\n\r"
    , "six geese a-laying,\n\r"
    , "five gold rings,\n\r"
    , "four calling birds,\n\r"
    , "three french hens,\n\r"
    , "two turtle doves, and \n\r"
    , "a partridge in a pear tree."

string[] day = {

for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("On the {0} day of christmas, my true love gave to me\n\r{1}", day[i], string.Concat(lines.GetRange(11 - i, i + 1).ToArray())));


于 2008-12-21T01:34:29.320 回答

没有看到 Java 的任何内容(顺便说一句,它的最小语法并不为人所知)所以首先我做了这个

String g;
public void sing() {
    g = "";     
    for(Entry<?,?> e : mm("first", "a partridge in a pear tree",
                          "second", "two turtle doves, and ",
                          "third", "three french hens, ",
                          "fourth", "four calling birds, ",
                          "fifth", "five gold rings, ",
                          "sixth", "six geese a-laying ",
                          "seventh", "seven swans a-swimming, ",
                          "eigth", "eight maids a-milking, ",
                          "ninth", "nine ladies dancing, ",
                          "tenth", "ten lords a-leaping, ",
                          "eleventh", "eleven pipers piping, ",
                          "twelfth", "twelve drummers drumming, ").entrySet()) {
        System.out.println("On the "+e.getKey()+
                " day of Christmas my true love gave to me "+e.getValue()+".");

public Map<?,?> mm(String... s) {
    Map m = new LinkedHashMap();
    for(int i=0;i<s.length;i=i+2) {
        g = s[i+1] + g;
        m.put(s[i], g);
    return m;

并意识到它相当复杂(重 708 个字符),所以我选择了一个更简单的解决方案(改编自其他答案,行更改仅是为了便于阅读):

public void sing() {
    String s = "";
    String[]g={"a partridge in a pear tree",
           "two turtle doves, and ",
           "three french hens, ",
           "four calling birds, ",
           "five gold rings, ",
           "six geese a-laying ",
           "seven swans a-swimming, ",
           "eight maids a-milking, ",
           "nine ladies dancing, ",
           "ten lords a-leaping, ",
           "eleven pipers piping, ",
           "twelve drummers drumming, "};
    int i=0;
        System.out.println("On the "+d[i]+" day of Christmas my true love gave to me "+

这是没有空格的 576 个字符,如果方法签名切换到正确的 main() 那么它是 596。


于 2008-12-21T19:21:24.580 回答

AC/C++ 版本使用单个缓冲区和指针算法。一个包含,一个声明,技术上只有两行代码在 main 中进行打印:

#include <stdio.h>

char *days =
    "twelve drummers drumming,  \n"
    "eleven pipers piping,      \n"
    "ten lords a-leaping,       \n"
    "nine ladies dancing,       \n"
    "eight maids a-milking,     \n"
    "seven swans a-swimming,    \n"
    "six geese a-laying,        \n"
    "five gold rings,           \n"
    "four calling birds,        \n"
    "three french hens,         \n"
    "two turtle doves, and      \n"
    "a partridge in a pear tree.\n\n";

void main()
    for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
        printf("On the %d%s day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:\n%s",
                i,i == 1 ? "st" : (i == 2 ? "nd" : "th"), days + (12-i)*28);
于 2008-12-24T00:10:43.603 回答

C ++中非常简单的解决方案:

#include <iostream.h>
char*a[]={"a partridge in a pear tree.\n","two turtle doves, and","three french hens,","four calling birds,","five gold rings,","six geese a-laying,","seven swans a-swimming,","eight maids a-milking,","nine ladies dancing,","ten lords a-leaping,","eleven pipers piping,","twelve drummers drumming,"};
char*b[]={"first","second","third","fourth","fifth","sixth","seventh","eighth","nineth","tenth","eleventh", "twelfth"};
int main(){for(int i=0;i<12;i++){std::cout<<"On the "<<b[i]<<" day of Christmas my true love gave to me, \n";for(int j=i;j>=0;j--)std::cout<<a[j]<<" \n";}}

595 个字符,但如果您允许某些人使用的“1st, 2nd, 3rd”等符号,它可以减少到 513 个字符。

于 2008-12-24T01:13:45.897 回答

LUA 540(没有标签和返回)

t={"twelve drummers drumming,","eleven pipers piping,","ten lords a-leaping,","nine ladies dancing,","eight maids a-milking,","seven swans a-swimming,","six geese a-laying,","five gold rings,","four calling birds,","three french hens,","two turtle doves, and","a partridge in a pear tree."} 

    if (i==1) then r=i.."st" 
    elseif (i==2) then r=i.."nd" 
    elseif (i==3) then r=i.."rd" 
    return r 

for i=1,12 do 
    s="On the "..f(i).." day of Christmas my true love gave to me" 
    for j=13-i,12 do 
        s=s.." "..t[j] 


于 2009-01-16T20:50:16.653 回答

这是一个Javascript版本。我能做的最好的就是压缩后的 497 个字符。

s = "", k = "ing, ", t = [":first:a:partridge in a pear tree", 
                ":second:two:turtle doves, and ", 
                "th:ird:ree:french hens, ",
                "four:th::calling birds, ", 
                "fi:fth:ve:gold rings, ", 
                "six:th::geese a-lay" + k,
                "seven:th::swans a-swimm" + k,
                "eight:h::maids a-milk" + k,
                "nin:th:e:ladies danc" + k, 
                "ten:th::lords a-leap" + k,
                "eleven:th::pipers pip" + k,
                "twel:fth:ve:drummers drumm"]

for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
    document.write("On the " + (v = t[i].split(":"))[0] + v[1]
                    + " day of Christmas my true love gave to me "
                    + (s = v[0] + v[2] + " " + v[3] + s) + "<p>")

s="",k="ing, ",t=[":first:a:partridge in a pear tree",":second:two:turtle doves, and ","th:ird:ree:french hens, ","four:th::calling birds, ","fi:fth:ve:gold rings, ","six:th::geese a-lay"+k,"seven:th::swans a-swimm"+k,"eight:h::maids a-milk"+k,"nin:th:e:ladies danc"+k,"ten:th::lords a-leap"+k,"eleven:th::pipers pip"+k,"twel:fth:ve:drummers drumm"];for(i=0;i<12;i++)document.write("On the "+(v=t[i].split(":"))[0]+v[1]+" day of Christmas my true love gave to me "+(s=v[0]+v[2]+" "+v[3]+s)+"<p>")
于 2009-07-14T15:42:35.093 回答

偶然发现这个线程,它看起来非常有趣,我无法抗拒 - 这是另一个 JavaScript 版本 - 它不是最短的,但我喜欢它在循环内使用递归和闭包的方式。

    var v = [
        {d:'first', p:'a partridge in a pear tree'},
        {d:'second', p:'two turtle doves, and '},
        {d:'third', p:'three french hens, '},
        {d:'fourth', p:'four calling birds, '},
        {d:'fifth', p:'five gold rings, '}, 
        {d:'sixth', p:'six geese a-laying, '}, 
        {d:'seventh', p:'seven swans a-swimming, '},
        {d:'eighth', p:'eight maids a-milking, '},
        {d:'ninth', p:'nine ladies dancing, '}, 
        {d:'tenth', p:'ten lords a-leaping, '},
        {d:'eleveth', p:'eleven pipers piping, '},
        {d:'twelth', p:'twelve drummers drumming, '}
    for (var i=0;i<12;i++)
        document.write('On the '+v[i].d+' day of Christmas my true love gave to me ');
            if (i>0)
于 2010-02-19T18:15:48.150 回答