, 使用模板编写报告,该模板对多个数据集进行分析(MWE 的第 1 节)。
我可以通过将值分配给变量来生成结果摘要,然后将这些变量“拼接”到表格中(MWE 的第 2 节)。然而,这种方法既麻烦又不灵活(例如,为了改变表中出现的特定位需要大量输入)。
报告正文 (MWE.Rnw):
\documentclass{article} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \newpage \section{Run tests} In this section we run the tests using a template. <<run-all, include = FALSE>>= library(knitr) ## set data names data_names <- LETTERS[1:3] ## initialize var for data data_1 <- NULL data_2 <- NULL ## initialize vars for chi-squared test results cs_statistic <- NULL # X-squared cs_parameter <- NULL # df cs_p_value <- NULL # p-value ## initialize vars for binomial test results bt_p_value <- NULL # p-value bt_estimate <- NULL # estimate bt_ci_lower <- NULL # conf. int. lower bt_ci_upper <- NULL # conf. int. upper ## run template src = NULL for (i in data_names) src = c(src, knit_expand('analysis-template.Rnw')) @ \Sexpr{paste(knit(text = src), collapse = '\n')} \newpage \section{Summary} In this section we summarise the results. <<summary-cs>>= tab <- data.frame(data_1, data_2, round(cs_statistic, 3), cs_parameter, round(cs_p_value, 3), row.names = data_names) colnames(tab) <- c("var 1", "var 2", "X-squared", "d.f.", "p-value") kable(tab, caption = "Summary results of $\\chi^2$ tests") @ <<summary-bt>>= tab <- data.frame(data_1, data_2, round(bt_estimate, 3), round(bt_ci_lower, 3), round(bt_ci_upper, 3), round(bt_p_value, 3), row.names = data_names) colnames(tab) <- c("var 1", "var 2", "estimate", "95% conf. int. (lower)", "95% conf. int. (upper)", "p-value") kable(tab, caption = "Summary results of binomial tests") @ \end{document}
\subsection{Analysis of data {{i}}} <<analysis-{{i}}>>= ## generate data {{i}} (data_{{i}} <- sample(50:100, 2)) ## run tests (cs <- chisq.test(data_{{i}})) (bt <- binom.test(data_{{i}}[1], sum(data_{{i}}))) ## store results data_1 <- c(data_1, data_{{i}}[1]) data_2 <- c(data_2, data_{{i}}[2]) cs_statistic <- c(cs_statistic, cs$statistic) cs_parameter <- c(cs_parameter, cs$parameter) cs_p_value <- c(cs_p_value, cs$p.value) bt_estimate <- c(bt_estimate, bt$estimate) bt_ci_lower <- c(bt_ci_lower, bt$conf.int[1]) bt_ci_upper <- c(bt_ci_upper, bt$conf.int[2]) bt_p_value <- c(bt_p_value, bt$p.value) @