In my use case I am using influxdb. I am trying to create a global client to influxdb in Golang. But when I return the influxdb client from a function, the client object is not exported in the influxdb package. So I am not able to return this.

Here is my code:

package influxclient

import (

const (
    USERNAME      = "YYYY"
    PASSWORD      = "ZZZZ"
    HOST          = "http://localhost:8086"

var (
    c             = getHTTPClient()

func test() {
    // Create a new point batch
    bp, _ := client.NewBatchPoints(client.BatchPointsConfig{
        Database:  INFLUXDB_NAME,
        Precision: "s",

    // Create a point and add to batch
    tags := map[string]string{"cpu": "cpu-total"}
    fields := map[string]interface{}{
        "idle":   10.1,
        "system": 53.3,
        "user":   46.6,
    pt, _ := client.NewPoint("cpu_usage", tags, fields, time.Now())

    // Write the batch

//publish metrics to metrics db
func PublishMetrics(metricName string, tags map[string]string, fields map[string]interface{}, time time.Time) error {
    fmt.Println("type of client c ", reflect.TypeOf(c))
    // Create a new point batch
    bp, err := client.NewBatchPoints(client.BatchPointsConfig{
        Database:  INFLUXDB_NAME,
        Precision: "s",
    if err != nil {
        return err
    pt, err := client.NewPoint(metricName, tags, fields, time)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // Write the batch
    return nil

func getHTTPClient() *client.client {
    //make http client for metrics db
    c, err := client.NewHTTPClient(client.HTTPConfig{
        Addr:     HOST,
        Username: USERNAME,
        Password: PASSWORD,
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("FATAL :: Error occured in getting influxdb metric client %s ", err.Error())
    return c

getHTTPClient() function is trying to return the client object *client.client.
But the client object is not exported in influxdb golang package.
So how can I handle this problem?
Could anyone help me with this?



1 回答 1


package client // import "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/client/v2"
导出Client interface,因此请使用client.Client而不是*client.client

package influxclient

import (


const (
    USERNAME      = "YYYY"
    PASSWORD      = "ZZZZ"
    HOST          = "http://localhost:8086"

var c = getHTTPClient()

func test() {
    // Create a new point batch
    bp, _ := client.NewBatchPoints(client.BatchPointsConfig{
        Database:  INFLUXDB_NAME,
        Precision: "s",

    // Create a point and add to batch
    tags := map[string]string{"cpu": "cpu-total"}
    fields := map[string]interface{}{
        "idle":   10.1,
        "system": 53.3,
        "user":   46.6,
    pt, _ := client.NewPoint("cpu_usage", tags, fields, time.Now())

    // Write the batch

//publish metrics to metrics db
func PublishMetrics(metricName string, tags map[string]string, fields map[string]interface{}, time time.Time) error {
    fmt.Println("type of client c ", reflect.TypeOf(c))
    // Create a new point batch
    bp, err := client.NewBatchPoints(client.BatchPointsConfig{
        Database:  INFLUXDB_NAME,
        Precision: "s",
    if err != nil {
        return err
    pt, err := client.NewPoint(metricName, tags, fields, time)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // Write the batch
    return nil

func getHTTPClient() client.Client {
    //make http client for metrics db
    c, err := client.NewHTTPClient(client.HTTPConfig{
        Addr:     HOST,
        Username: USERNAME,
        Password: PASSWORD,
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("FATAL :: Error occured in getting influxdb metric client %s ", err.Error())
    return c
于 2016-07-10T09:58:18.523 回答