如何提取我的 spinBox 的名称?我尝试查看很多文档,但是,我找不到任何可以显示每个子 spinBox 名称的内容。我尝试将结果更改为字符串。但是,我只是得到了我想象的地址的十六进制或长整数,而不是返回。
QList<QSpinBox*> spinBoxes= findChildren<QSpinBox*>();
//create the QSignalMapper object
QSignalMapper* signalMapper= new QSignalMapper(this);
//loop through your spinboxes list
QSpinBox* spinBox;
foreach(spinBox, spinBoxes){
//setup mapping for each spin box
connect(spinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), signalMapper, SLOT(map()));
signalMapper->setMapping(spinBox, spinBox);
//connect the unified mapped(QWidget*) signal to your spinboxWrite slot
connect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QWidget*)), this, SLOT(spinboxWrite(QWidget*)));
void GuiTest::SpinBoxChanged(QWidget* wSp){
QSpinBox* sp= (QSpinBox*)wSp; //now sp is a pointer to the QSpinBox that emitted the valueChanged signal
int value = sp->value(); //and value is its value after the change
//do whatever you want to do with them here. . .
qDebug() << value << "SpinBoxChanged";
void GuiTest::spinboxWrite(QWidget* e){
QString* value = (QString*)e;
qDebug() << e << value << " SpinBoxWrite";
请注意qDebug() << e因为这是我无法获取有关旋转框的一些信息的地方