

ignore = Name music/*
ignorenot = Regex music/sfx/.* (OR just *)



ignore = Name music/*^/

3 回答 3


根据 unison 的文档,如果某个路径被忽略,那么下面的所有内容都会被忽略。因此,如果您想忽略文件夹中除子文件夹以外的所有内容,则不应忽略文件夹本身,而应忽略其中的所有内容(这是不同的),然后使用ignorenot.

ignore = Path x7/music/?*
ignore = Path x7/music/.?*
ignorenot = Path x7/music/sfx


关于那里使用的特定正则表达式,我再次遵循一致的文档建议:“因此,将其Name *作为忽略模式包含在内并不是一个好主意。如果您想忽略除特定文件集之外的所有内容,请使用Name ?*. " 如果您有必要,第二ignore行也会忽略 中的隐藏文件/文件夹。music

于 2017-07-23T00:26:39.330 回答

I'm not familiar with unison, but to ignore everything except sfx you could use

ignore = Regex /root/path/to/music/.*
ignorenot Regex /root/path/to/music/sfx/.*

Documentation Source

There is also an ignorenot preference, which specifies a set of patterns for paths that should not be ignored, even if they match an ignore pattern. However, the interaction of these two sets of patterns can be a little tricky. Here is exactly how it works:

  • Unison starts detecting updates from the root of the replicas—i.e., from the empty path. If the empty path matches an ignore pattern and does not match an ignorenot pattern, then the whole replica will be ignored. (For this reason, it is not a good idea to include Name * as an ignore pattern. If you want to ignore everything except a certain set of files, use Name ?*.)

  • If the root is a directory, Unison continues looking for updates in all the immediate children of the root. Again, if the name of some child matches an ignore pattern and does not match an ignorenot pattern, then this whole path including everything below it will be ignored.

  • If any of the non-ignored children are directories, then the process continues recursively.

于 2016-07-08T17:21:12.817 回答

在 2.48.3 上,这应该有效:

ignore = Path /root/path/to/music/*
ignorenot = Path /root/path/to/music/sfx
于 2020-02-19T07:41:17.633 回答