任何检测在 IIS 下运行的 VB6 组件中的缺陷的建议。IIS 变得不稳定并在一段时间后进入挂起状态。这些问题大部分仅发生在生产环境中。我们有许多模块正在运行。可能存在有错误的组件,需要识别它们。提前致谢。
2 回答
使用Windows 调试工具分析 IIS 转储。Tess 的博客是学习使用 WinDbg 的最佳资源之一。尽管她专注于 .NET 调试,但大部分材料适用于任何 Win32 进程。
One thing to watch out for is multi-threading issues. VB6 components often don't play well when accessed by multiple threads.
If the client code is an ASP.NET application consider putting synchlocks around the calls to ensure that they are called sequentially.
Another sure-fire way to fubar IIS is to display a message box or initiate some other sort of user interaction. Get those MsgBox calls outa there.
Other than that... good logging helps. VB6 is pretty opaque when errors arise.