PHP 的wordwrap()
函数对于像 UTF-8 这样的多字节字符串不能正常工作。
评论中有一些 mb 安全函数的例子,但是对于一些不同的测试数据,它们似乎都有一些问题。
该函数应采用与 完全相同的参数wordwrap()
- if
$cut = true
切中间词,否则不要切中间词 - 不要在单词中插入额外的空格 if
$break = ' '
- 也为
$break = "\n"
- 适用于 ASCII 和所有有效的 UTF-8
function mb_wordwrap($str, $width = 75, $break = "\n", $cut = false) {
$lines = explode($break, $str);
foreach ($lines as &$line) {
$line = rtrim($line);
if (mb_strlen($line) <= $width)
$words = explode(' ', $line);
$line = '';
$actual = '';
foreach ($words as $word) {
if (mb_strlen($actual.$word) <= $width)
$actual .= $word.' ';
else {
if ($actual != '')
$line .= rtrim($actual).$break;
$actual = $word;
if ($cut) {
while (mb_strlen($actual) > $width) {
$line .= mb_substr($actual, 0, $width).$break;
$actual = mb_substr($actual, $width);
$actual .= ' ';
$line .= trim($actual);
return implode($break, $lines);
* wordwrap for utf8 encoded strings
* @param string $str
* @param integer $len
* @param string $what
* @return string
* @author Milian Wolff <>
function utf8_wordwrap($str, $width, $break, $cut = false) {
if (!$cut) {
$regexp = '#^(?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){'.$width.',}\b#U';
} else {
$regexp = '#^(?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){'.$width.'}#';
if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
$str_len = mb_strlen($str,'UTF-8');
} else {
$str_len = preg_match_all('/[\x00-\x7F\xC0-\xFD]/', $str, $var_empty);
$while_what = ceil($str_len / $width);
$i = 1;
$return = '';
while ($i < $while_what) {
preg_match($regexp, $str,$matches);
$string = $matches[0];
$return .= $string.$break;
$str = substr($str, strlen($string));
return $return.$str;
总时间:0.0020880699 是好时间:)
因为没有答案可以处理每个用例,所以这里有一些可以解决的问题。该代码基于Drupal 的AbstractStringWrapper::wordWrap
* Wraps any string to a given number of characters.
* This implementation is multi-byte aware and relies on {@link
* PHP's multibyte
* string extension}.
* @see wordwrap()
* @link
* @param string $string
* The input string.
* @param int $width [optional]
* The number of characters at which <var>$string</var> will be
* wrapped. Defaults to <code>75</code>.
* @param string $break [optional]
* The line is broken using the optional break parameter. Defaults
* to <code>"\n"</code>.
* @param boolean $cut [optional]
* If the <var>$cut</var> is set to <code>TRUE</code>, the string is
* always wrapped at or before the specified <var>$width</var>. So if
* you have a word that is larger than the given <var>$width</var>, it
* is broken apart. Defaults to <code>FALSE</code>.
* @return string
* Returns the given <var>$string</var> wrapped at the specified
* <var>$width</var>.
function mb_wordwrap($string, $width = 75, $break = "\n", $cut = false) {
$string = (string) $string;
if ($string === '') {
return '';
$break = (string) $break;
if ($break === '') {
trigger_error('Break string cannot be empty', E_USER_ERROR);
$width = (int) $width;
if ($width === 0 && $cut) {
trigger_error('Cannot force cut when width is zero', E_USER_ERROR);
if (strlen($string) === mb_strlen($string)) {
return wordwrap($string, $width, $break, $cut);
$stringWidth = mb_strlen($string);
$breakWidth = mb_strlen($break);
$result = '';
$lastStart = $lastSpace = 0;
for ($current = 0; $current < $stringWidth; $current++) {
$char = mb_substr($string, $current, 1);
$possibleBreak = $char;
if ($breakWidth !== 1) {
$possibleBreak = mb_substr($string, $current, $breakWidth);
if ($possibleBreak === $break) {
$result .= mb_substr($string, $lastStart, $current - $lastStart + $breakWidth);
$current += $breakWidth - 1;
$lastStart = $lastSpace = $current + 1;
if ($char === ' ') {
if ($current - $lastStart >= $width) {
$result .= mb_substr($string, $lastStart, $current - $lastStart) . $break;
$lastStart = $current + 1;
$lastSpace = $current;
if ($current - $lastStart >= $width && $cut && $lastStart >= $lastSpace) {
$result .= mb_substr($string, $lastStart, $current - $lastStart) . $break;
$lastStart = $lastSpace = $current;
if ($current - $lastStart >= $width && $lastStart < $lastSpace) {
$result .= mb_substr($string, $lastStart, $lastSpace - $lastStart) . $break;
$lastStart = $lastSpace = $lastSpace + 1;
if ($lastStart !== $current) {
$result .= mb_substr($string, $lastStart, $current - $lastStart);
return $result;
Unicode 文本比 8 位编码具有更多潜在的字边界,包括17 个空格分隔符和全角逗号。此解决方案允许您为应用程序自定义单词边界列表。
对 PHP 内置系列进行过基准测试?它们根本不能很好地扩展。通过使用 custom nextCharUtf8()
function wordWrapUtf8(
string $phrase,
int $width = 75,
string $break = "\n",
bool $cut = false,
array $seps = [' ', "\n", "\t", ',']
): string
$chunks = [];
$chunk = '';
$len = 0;
$pointer = 0;
while (!is_null($char = nextCharUtf8($phrase, $pointer))) {
$chunk .= $char;
if (in_array($char, $seps, true) || ($cut && $len === $width)) {
$chunks[] = [$len, $chunk];
$len = 0;
$chunk = '';
if ($chunk) {
$chunks[] = [$len, $chunk];
$line = '';
$lines = [];
$lineLen = 0;
foreach ($chunks as [$len, $chunk]) {
if ($lineLen + $len > $width) {
if ($line) {
$lines[] = $line;
$lineLen = 0;
$line = '';
$line .= $chunk;
$lineLen += $len;
if ($line) {
$lines[] = $line;
return implode($break, $lines);
function nextCharUtf8(&$string, &$pointer)
// EOF
if (!isset($string[$pointer])) {
return null;
// Get the byte value at the pointer
$char = ord($string[$pointer]);
if ($char < 128) {
return $string[$pointer++];
// UTF-8
if ($char < 224) {
$bytes = 2;
} elseif ($char < 240) {
$bytes = 3;
} elseif ($char < 248) {
$bytes = 4;
} elseif ($char == 252) {
$bytes = 5;
} else {
$bytes = 6;
// Get full multibyte char
$str = substr($string, $pointer, $bytes);
// Increment pointer according to length of char
$pointer += $bytes;
// Return mb char
return $str;
if ( !function_exists('mb_str_split') ) {
function mb_str_split($string, $split_length = 1)
$split_length = ($split_length <= 0) ? 1 : $split_length;
$mb_strlen = mb_strlen($string, 'utf-8');
$array = array();
for($i = 0; $i < $mb_strlen; $i += $split_length) {
$array[] = mb_substr($string, $i, $split_length);
return $array;
将单词与 结合起来<br>
$text = '<utf-8 content>';
echo join('<br>', mb_str_split($text, 20));
if( !function_exists('mb_textwrap') ) {
function mb_textwrap($text, $length = 20, $concat = '<br>')
return join($concat, mb_str_split($text, $length));
$text = '<utf-8 content>';
// so simply call
echo mb_textwrap($text);
function mb_wordwrap($str, $width = 74, $break = "\r\n", $cut = false)
return preg_replace(
'~(?P<str>.{' . $width . ',}?' . ($cut ? '(?(?!.+\s+)\s*|\s+)' : '\s+') . ')(?=\S+)~mus',
'$1' . $break,
这是我自己尝试的一个函数,它通过了我自己的一些测试,但我不能保证它是 100% 完美的,所以如果你发现问题,请发布一个更好的函数。
* Multi-byte safe version of wordwrap()
* Seems to me like wordwrap() is only broken on UTF-8 strings when $cut = true
* @return string
function wrap($str, $len = 75, $break = " ", $cut = true) {
$len = (int) $len;
if (empty($str))
return "";
$pattern = "";
if ($cut)
$pattern = '/([^'.preg_quote($break).']{'.$len.'})/u';
return wordwrap($str, $len, $break);
return preg_replace($pattern, "\${1}".$break, $str);
function mb_wordwrap($long_str, $width = 75, $break = "\n", $cut = false) {
$long_str = html_entity_decode($long_str, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
$width -= mb_strlen($break);
if ($cut) {
$short_str = mb_substr($long_str, 0, $width);
$short_str = trim($short_str);
else {
$short_str = preg_replace('/^(.{1,'.$width.'})(?:\s.*|$)/', '$1', $long_str);
if (mb_strlen($short_str) > $width) {
$short_str = mb_substr($short_str, 0, $width);
if (mb_strlen($long_str) != mb_strlen($short_str)) {
$short_str .= $break;
return $short_str;
不要忘记配置 PHP 以使用 UTF-8:
ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');
function mb_wordwrap($str, $width = 75, $break = "\n", $cut = false, $charset = null) {
if ($charset === null) $charset = mb_internal_encoding();
$pieces = explode($break, $str);
$result = array();
foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
$current = $piece;
while ($cut && mb_strlen($current) > $width) {
$result[] = mb_substr($current, 0, $width, $charset);
$current = mb_substr($current, $width, 2048, $charset);
$result[] = $current;
return implode($break, $result);