
I try to create some C++ "rogue-like" game with SDL-2. For this I followed the Lazy foo's tutorial to understand how work with SDL.

I've studied C++/C# for 3 year but now I study project management and don't have no more IT courses...

Here's the github for the code : https://github.com/Paingouin/Roguelike-SDL2-train/tree/master/

I created 2 class : LTexture to help managing loading and rendering of a picture and Glyph to manage the animation/scaling and the positioning of the picture...

Now, I wanted create a Entity class, composed of a Glyph Object, which I would use to represent a Wall, a monster, an item etc... but, I think if I do that I will use too much memory...

Maybe I should use an aggregation by initialize an Array of pointer of Glyph and associate it to my Entity's object... I don't know, I'm lost...

Can you help me? And, have you any tips or advice to help me structuring correctly?


1 回答 1


实际上,您的问题可以在不直接参考 SDL 的情况下得到回答,并且任何库(如 sfml)都可能出现相同的问题,并且解决方案大致相同:答案是单例设计模式,因为您的纹理为什么我说单例?让我们谈谈墙砖。您可能有数千甚至更多的墙砖都具有相同的纹理,您真的想在每面墙上一次又一次地加载它吗?不。这是相同的纹理,您希望每个给定纹理都有一个实例,甚至更多:如果您使用包含所有内容的精灵表或假设有 3 张表,则可以节省资源工作:这是 sfml 中的一个示例,尽管想法应该是在 SDL 中也是如此。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singleton_pattern

这是一个 sfml 实现,但其背后的想法应该清晰且易于模仿:

class Resources {
 sf::Clock m_clock; //holds clock
 sf::Texture m_soma,m_lvl,m_enemies; //holds hero,lvl &enemies textures respectively
 sf::Font m_font; //holds game font

 ~Resources() {}
 Resources(const Resources &) = delete;
 Resources& operator=(const Resources &) = delete;

 static Resources& instance();
 sf::Texture& texture();
 sf::Texture& lvlTexture();
 sf::Texture& Enemies();
 sf::Clock& clock();
 sf::Font & Font();

cpp 文件:注意我可以使用矢量而不是 3 个纹理

  //loading textures(hero,lvls,enemies)
   if (!m_soma.loadFromFile("..\\resources\\sprites\\soma.png"))
       std::cerr << "problem loading texture\n";
       throw ResourceExceptions("couldn't load player sprites!: must have    ..\\resources\\sprites\\soma.png");

   if (!m_lvl.loadFromFile("..\\resources\\sprites\\lv.png"))
    std::cerr << "problem loading texture\n";
    throw ResourceExceptions("couldn't load level sprites!: must have ..\\resources\\sprites\\lv.png");

   if (!m_enemies.loadFromFile("..\\resources\\sprites\\enemies.png"))
       std::cerr << "problem loading texture\n";
       throw ResourceExceptions("couldn't load enemies sprites!: must have ..\\resources\\sprites\\enemies.png");
 //loading font once
   if (!m_font.loadFromFile("..\\resources\\font\\gothic.otf"))
       std::cerr << "problem loading font\n";
       throw ResourceExceptions("couldn't load game Font: must have ..\\resources\\font\\gothic.otf");


 Resources & Resources::instance()
    static Resources resource;
    return resource;

sf::Texture & Resources::texture()
    return m_soma;

sf::Texture & Resources::lvlTexture()
     return m_lvl;

sf::Texture & Resources::Enemies()
     return m_enemies;

sf::Clock & Resources::clock()
    return m_clock;

sf::Font & Resources::Font()
  return m_font;

例如。用法是: m_sprite.setTexture(Resources::instance().texture());


同样的想法可以应用到任何地方,甚至更多,如果你有机会处理 3d 对象并渲染那些你会发现单例甚至不够,你可以参考“轻量级”设计模式我建议您阅读两本书:gameprogrammingpatterns.com 和传奇书籍:Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

您的代码中存在几个代码问题:例如。开关盒上的运动。问问自己“如果我突然想添加一个额外的动作会发生什么?” “例如,如果我希望它根据之前的动作表现不同怎么办?” 您的方法将带您进行广泛而漫长的开关案例。两者都会向您展示可以让您更轻松地更改代码的方法

于 2016-07-07T07:28:28.293 回答