我目前正在使用一个有助于在语言之间切换的 pod。部分安装过程如下:
To support this new i18n syntax, Localize-Swift includes custom genstrings swift and python scripts.
Copy the genstrings file (either .swift or .py) into your project's root folder and run with
python genstrings.py
This will print the collected strings in the terminal. Select and copy to your default Localizable.strings.
The swift genstrings includes the ability to specify excluded directories and files (by editing the script).
我对 genstrings 不熟悉,也不知道作者指的是什么。我猜作者的意思是我的本地化字符串文件夹,但是当我在它上面运行一个终端时,我得到了这个错误:
-bash: ./genstrings.swift: No such file or directory