我正在尝试在我的 ios 应用程序中实现 PushKit。但是 PushKit 的 Xamarin 文档非常有限。您是否有示例代码如何在 Xamarin C# 中使用它?非常感谢。


2 回答 2


您可以从以下链接 Swift Code Binding中获得想法

于 2016-07-07T09:01:25.357 回答

如果你有纯 swift 代码,那么你可以从下面的链接下载示例代码。


import UIKit
import PushKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate,PKPushRegistryDelegate{

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {

    let types: UIRemoteNotificationType = [.Alert, .Badge, .Sound]

    self. PushKitRegistration()

    return true

//MARK: - PushKitRegistration

func PushKitRegistration()

    let mainQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue()
    // Create a push registry object
    if #available(iOS 8.0, *) {

        let voipRegistry: PKPushRegistry = PKPushRegistry(queue: mainQueue)

        // Set the registry's delegate to self

        voipRegistry.delegate = self

        // Set the push type to VoIP

        voipRegistry.desiredPushTypes = [PKPushTypeVoIP]

    } else {
        // Fallback on earlier versions


@available(iOS 8.0, *)
func pushRegistry(registry: PKPushRegistry!, didUpdatePushCredentials credentials: PKPushCredentials!, forType type: String!) {
    // Register VoIP push token (a property of PKPushCredentials) with server

    let hexString : String = UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: UnsafePointer(credentials.token.bytes),
        count: credentials.token.length).map { String(format: "%02x", $0) }.joinWithSeparator("")



@available(iOS 8.0, *)
func pushRegistry(registry: PKPushRegistry!, didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload payload: PKPushPayload!, forType type: String!) {
    // Process the received push


于 2016-07-11T09:41:29.923 回答