我正在使用一个 SharePoint Web 应用程序来跟踪与项目相关的票证。我正在尝试计算直到票据到期的时间量,以及使用 datediff 函数完成票据的时间,该函数作为更新数据宏执行。宏还根据票据的状态填充名为 sloth 的字段,下面可以看到宏的截图。当我尝试更新数据表视图中的字段时,我收到一条错误消息,指出我创建了一个无限循环。谢谢您的帮助 :-)


1 回答 1


It not clear why you have two edit record blocks of code. Also, you don't mention what event you using, but you want to use the Before change event. This event occurs before the write and ALSO does not require you to use edit record boock, but only use set field. By using the after update event and a edit record, then you cause the after update event to trigger over and over. If you do a editrecord, then it triggers the after update event, which as you see will then run over and over. Try before change event.

于 2016-07-06T02:23:50.627 回答