我正在使用 JavaScript 弱图,在 google chrome 开发人员控制台中尝试此代码后,使用 --js-flags="--expose-gc" 运行,我不明白为什么弱图继续引用 ab 如果是gc'ed。
var a = {listener: function(){ console.log('A') }}
a.b = {listener: function(){ console.log('B') }}
var map = new WeakMap()
map.set(a.b, [])
map.set(a, [a.b.listener])
console.log(map) // has both a and a.b
console.log(map) // still have both a and a.b
a = undefined
console.log(map) // only have a.b: why does still have a reference to a.b? Should'nt be erased?