
# dataset of value
yearmon <- c("Jan 1996","Jan 1996","Jan 1996","Jan 1996","Jan 1996","Jan 1996",
         "Feb 1996","Feb 1996","Feb 1996","Feb 1996","Feb 1996","Feb 1996",
         "Mar 1996","Mar 1996","Mar 1996","Mar 1996","Mar 1996","Mar 1996",
         "Apr 1996","Apr 1996","Apr 1996","Apr 1996","Apr 1996","Apr 1996",
         "May 1996","May 1996","May 1996","May 1996","May 1996","May 1996",
         "Jun 1996","Jun 1996","Jun 1996","Jun 1996","Jun 1996","Jun 1996")

lon <- c(114.1592, 114.1294, 114.1144, 114.0228, 113.9763, 113.9431)

lat <- c(22.35694, 22.31306, 22.33000, 22.37167, 22.37639, 22.45111)

STN <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")

value <- runif(n=36, min=10, max=20)

df<- data.frame(STN,lon,lat)
df<- rbind(df,df,df,df,df,df)
df <- cbind(df,yearmon,value)
df$value[df$value < 12] <- NA

# dataset of participant location
id <- c(1,2,3,4)
lon.p <- c(114.3608, 114.1850, 114.1581, 114.1683)
lat.p <- c(22.44500, 22.33000, 22.28528, 22.37167)
participant <- data.frame(id,lon.p,lat.p)


即如果参与者 1 在 1996 年 1 月住在离 A 站最近的地方,那么他/她应该被分配值 17.03357。

我更喜欢大圆距离,也许使用这样的脚本计算:rdist.earth(location1, location2,miles=FALSE, R=6371)

   STN      lon      lat  yearmon    value
1    A 114.1592 22.35694 Jan 1996 17.03357
2    B 114.1294 22.31306 Jan 1996       NA
3    C 114.1144 22.33000 Jan 1996 17.98293
4    D 114.0228 22.37167 Jan 1996 15.98854
5    E 113.9763 22.37639 Jan 1996 16.78647
6    F 113.9431 22.45111 Jan 1996 18.89551
7    A 114.1592 22.35694 Feb 1996       NA
8    B 114.1294 22.31306 Feb 1996 19.90123
9    C 114.1144 22.33000 Feb 1996 17.88482
10   D 114.0228 22.37167 Feb 1996 13.80029

  id    lon.p    lat.p
1  1 114.3608 22.44500
2  2 114.1850 22.33000
3  3 114.1581 22.28528
4  4 114.1683 22.37167


   id   lon.p     lat.p Apr 1996 Feb 1996 Jan 1996 Jun 1996 Mar 1996 May 1996
1   1 114.3608 22.44500 
2   2 114.1850 22.33000 
3   3 114.1581 22.28528 
4   4 114.1683 22.37167 



1 回答 1



naive_dist <- function(long1, lat1, long2, lat2) {
  R <- 6371 # Earth mean radius [km]
  d <- acos(sin(lat1)*sin(lat2) + cos(lat1)*cos(lat2) * cos(long2-long1)) * R
  return(d) # Distance in km

dist_by_id <- by(participant, participant$id, FUN = function(x) 
  #you would use your distance metric here
  naive_dist(long1 = x$lon.p, long2 = df$lon, lat1 = x$lat.p, lat2 = df$lat)

#function to find the min for each yearmon, by id
find_min <- function(id, data, by_data){
  data$dist_column = by_data[[id]]
  by(data, data$yearmon, FUN = function(x) x[which.min(x$dist_column),]$value)
participant[,4:9] = 0
names(participant)[4:9] = as.character(unique(df$yearmon))
#use a for loop to fill in the values
for(i in 1:4){
 participant[i,4:9] = stack(find_min(id = i, data = df, by_data = dist_by_id))[,1] 


  id    lon.p    lat.p Jan 1996 Feb 1996 Mar 1996 Apr 1996 May 1996 Jun 1996
1  1 114.3608 22.44500 17.36620 18.88409 19.53951 19.35646 13.00518 18.45556
2  2 114.1850 22.33000 17.36620 18.88409 19.53951 19.35646 13.00518 18.45556
3  3 114.1581 22.28528 18.57447 13.85192 17.52038       NA 16.14562 18.06435
4  4 114.1683 22.37167 17.36620 18.88409 19.53951 19.35646 13.00518 18.45556


或者,这是一个使用 的选项dplyr,我更喜欢这个解决方案,因为它可能更高效。

df2 <- merge(df, participant, all = T) #merge the df's
#calculate distance
df2$distance <- naive_dist(long1 = df2$lon, lat1 = df2$lat,
                           long2 = df2$lon.p, lat2 = df2$lat.p)

df3 <- df2 %>%
  group_by(yearmon, id) %>%
  filter(distance == min(distance)) %>%
  select(id, yearmon, value)

participant2 <- participant
participant2[,4:9] <- 0
names(participant2)[4:9] <- as.character(unique(df$yearmon))

for(i in 1:4){
  participant2[i,4:9] = c(subset(df3, id == i)$value)


  id    lon.p    lat.p Jan 1996 Feb 1996 Mar 1996 Apr 1996 May 1996 Jun 1996
1  1 114.3608 22.44500 19.53951 18.88409 13.00518 17.36620 18.45556 19.35646
2  2 114.1850 22.33000 19.53951 18.88409 13.00518 17.36620 18.45556 19.35646
3  3 114.1581 22.28528 17.52038 13.85192 16.14562 18.57447 18.06435       NA
4  4 114.1683 22.37167 19.53951 18.88409 13.00518 17.36620 18.45556 19.35646
于 2016-07-04T19:07:55.087 回答