如果您使用的是 Wakanda Enterprise Edition 11 或更高版本,则可以使用MySQL Connector Pro。
model.mergeSQLCatalog(localName, {
hostname: string 'host name',
port: number remote_port_number,
user: string 'userName',
password: string 'password',
database: string 'SQL database name',
jsFile: string 'configuration JavaScript file',
ssl: boolean true or false,
dbType: string 'mysql' } )
如果您使用的是 Wakanda Enterprise Edition 的旧版本,但仍在使用版本 7 或更高版本,则有一个Wakanda/MySQL 连接器。
以下是使用连接器连接 MySQL 的示例:
var sql = require('waf-sql');
//use port 3306 and do not use SSL
var dbconn = sql.connect('mysql','', 'john', 'x54?hsf5x!','arts',3306,false);
var rs = dbconn.update("people", {
name: "smith",
age: 42
}, {
id: 1
var rs = dbconn.select("*", "people", {
id: 1
var row = rs.getNextRow(); // get the first row
dbcon.close(); // close connection
var params = {
hostname: [your host name or IP address],
user: [the user name of your DB],
password: [the user password],
database: [the DB name],
port: [the port number of the MySQL Server, by default 3306],
ssl: false,
dbType : 'mysql'