我有一个我应该做的任务的问题,我应该在android 2.1上使用我们自己的界面发送彩信,所以你可以猜到调用默认活动是不可能的。所以我的问题是,有没有办法使用 android SDK 以编程方式发送彩信而不调用他们的意图,我尝试在 eclipse 中导入彩信应用程序,但大多数类都是 com.google.android 这意味着它们不是开源的,所以我如果可能的话,不知道如何获得它们,或者如何模仿它们。我什至在考虑使用反射从 Dalvik 加载它们,但我认为这是最后的努力,可能不会带来结果。



如何在 Android 中通过彩信发送图像?

将彩信发送到不同的 Android 设备



3 回答 3


虽然这个问题有一段时间没有得到解答,但我当时找到了一种方法,只是忘记发帖了。但是我得到了最初的 MMS 应用程序并削弱了二进制类并添加了相应的要求来完成,因为它们中的大多数都是构建系统私有的。在 android 中创建 mms 发送器的唯一方法(据我所知)是使用源代码树构建应用程序。通过这种方式,您将可以访问受限制的 MMS 功能,并且通常非常容易,因为它自己的源中有一个 MMSManager,尽管这在 sdk 中不是公共的。我知道我的回答有点含糊,但对于那些走这条路的人来说……为路上的一些颠簸做好准备……:)

于 2012-01-15T14:08:06.293 回答

像 SmsManager 有类似 MmsManager api 的东西,它没有被 android 框架公开。

因此,要先发送彩信,您必须先获取彩信 netwotk,然后再进行 http 调用。

 * Synchronously acquire MMS network connectivity
 * @throws MmsNetworkException If failed permanently or timed out

void acquireNetwork() throws MmsNetworkException {
    Log.i(MmsService.TAG, "Acquire MMS network");
    synchronized (this) {
        try {
            if (mWaitCount == 1) {
                // Register the receiver for the first waiting request
            long waitMs = sNetworkAcquireTimeoutMs;
            final long beginMs = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
            do {
                if (!isMobileDataEnabled()) {
                    // Fast fail if mobile data is not enabled
                    throw new MmsNetworkException("Mobile data is disabled");
                // Always try to extend and check the MMS network connectivity
                // before we start waiting to make sure we don't miss the change
                // of MMS connectivity. As one example, some devices fail to send
                // connectivity change intent. So this would make sure we catch
                // the state change.
                if (extendMmsConnectivityLocked()) {
                    // Connected
                try {
                    wait(Math.min(waitMs, NETWORK_ACQUIRE_WAIT_INTERVAL_MS));
                } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
                    Log.w(MmsService.TAG, "Unexpected exception", e);
                // Calculate the remaining time to wait
                waitMs = sNetworkAcquireTimeoutMs - (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - beginMs);
            } while (waitMs > 0);
            // Last check
            if (extendMmsConnectivityLocked()) {
            } else {
                // Reaching here means timed out.
                throw new MmsNetworkException("Acquiring MMS network timed out");
        } finally {
            if (mWaitCount == 0) {
                // Receiver is used to listen to connectivity change and unblock
                // the waiting requests. If nobody's waiting on change, there is
                // no need for the receiver. The auto extension timer will try
                // to maintain the connectivity periodically.

这是我从 android 本机源代码中获得的一段代码。

 * Run the MMS request.
 * @param context the context to use
 * @param networkManager the MmsNetworkManager to use to setup MMS network
 * @param apnSettingsLoader the APN loader
 * @param carrierConfigValuesLoader the carrier config loader
 * @param userAgentInfoLoader the user agent info loader

public void sendMms(final Context context, final MmsNetworkManager networkManager,
        final ApnSettingsLoader apnSettingsLoader,
        final CarrierConfigValuesLoader carrierConfigValuesLoader,
        final UserAgentInfoLoader userAgentInfoLoader) {
    Log.i(MmsService.TAG, "Execute " + this.getClass().getSimpleName());
    int result = SmsManager.MMS_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED;
    int httpStatusCode = 0;
    byte[] response = null;
    final Bundle mmsConfig = carrierConfigValuesLoader.get(MmsManager.DEFAULT_SUB_ID);
    if (mmsConfig == null) {
        Log.e(MmsService.TAG, "Failed to load carrier configuration values");
        result = SmsManager.MMS_ERROR_CONFIGURATION_ERROR;
    } else if (!loadRequest(context, mmsConfig)) {
        Log.e(MmsService.TAG, "Failed to load PDU");
        result = SmsManager.MMS_ERROR_IO_ERROR;
    } else {
        // Everything's OK. Now execute the request.
        try {
            // Acquire the MMS network
            // Load the potential APNs. In most cases there should be only one APN available.
            // On some devices on which we can't obtain APN from system, we look up our own
            // APN list. Since we don't have exact information, we may get a list of potential
            // APNs to try. Whenever we found a successful APN, we signal it and return.
            final String apnName = networkManager.getApnName();
            final List<ApnSettingsLoader.Apn> apns = apnSettingsLoader.get(apnName);
            if (apns.size() < 1) {
                throw new ApnException("No valid APN");
            } else {
                Log.d(MmsService.TAG, "Trying " + apns.size() + " APNs");
            final String userAgent = userAgentInfoLoader.getUserAgent();
            final String uaProfUrl = userAgentInfoLoader.getUAProfUrl();
            MmsHttpException lastException = null;
            for (ApnSettingsLoader.Apn apn : apns) {
                Log.i(MmsService.TAG, "Using APN ["
                        + "MMSC=" + apn.getMmsc() + ", "
                        + "PROXY=" + apn.getMmsProxy() + ", "
                        + "PORT=" + apn.getMmsProxyPort() + "]");
                try {
                    final String url = getHttpRequestUrl(apn);
                    // Request a global route for the host to connect
                    requestRoute(networkManager.getConnectivityManager(), apn, url);
                    // Perform the HTTP request
                    response = doHttp(
                            context, networkManager, apn, mmsConfig, userAgent, uaProfUrl);
                    // Additional check of whether this is a success
                    if (isWrongApnResponse(response, mmsConfig)) {
                        throw new MmsHttpException(0/*statusCode*/, "Invalid sending address");
                    // Notify APN loader this is a valid APN
                    result = Activity.RESULT_OK;
                } catch (MmsHttpException e) {
                    Log.w(MmsService.TAG, "HTTP or network failure", e);
                    lastException = e;
            if (lastException != null) {
                throw lastException;
        } catch (ApnException e) {
            Log.e(MmsService.TAG, "MmsRequest: APN failure", e);
            result = SmsManager.MMS_ERROR_INVALID_APN;
        } catch (MmsNetworkException e) {
            Log.e(MmsService.TAG, "MmsRequest: MMS network acquiring failure", e);
            result = SmsManager.MMS_ERROR_UNABLE_CONNECT_MMS;
        } catch (MmsHttpException e) {
            Log.e(MmsService.TAG, "MmsRequest: HTTP or network I/O failure", e);
            result = SmsManager.MMS_ERROR_HTTP_FAILURE;
            httpStatusCode = e.getStatusCode();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e(MmsService.TAG, "MmsRequest: unexpected failure", e);
            result = SmsManager.MMS_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED;
        } finally {
            // Release MMS network
    // Process result and send back via PendingIntent
    returnResult(context, result, response, httpStatusCode);

 * Request the route to the APN (either proxy host or the MMSC host)
 * @param connectivityManager the ConnectivityManager to use
 * @param apn the current APN
 * @param url the URL to connect to
 * @throws MmsHttpException for unknown host or route failure
private static void requestRoute(final ConnectivityManager connectivityManager,
        final ApnSettingsLoader.Apn apn, final String url) throws MmsHttpException {
    String host = apn.getMmsProxy();
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(host)) {
        final Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
        host = uri.getHost();
    boolean success = false;
    // Request route to all resolved host addresses
    try {
        for (final InetAddress addr : InetAddress.getAllByName(host)) {
            final boolean requested = requestRouteToHostAddress(connectivityManager, addr);
            if (requested) {
                success = true;
                Log.i(MmsService.TAG, "Requested route to " + addr);
            } else {
                Log.i(MmsService.TAG, "Could not requested route to " + addr);
        if (!success) {
            throw new MmsHttpException(0/*statusCode*/, "No route requested");
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        Log.w(MmsService.TAG, "Unknown host " + host);
        throw new MmsHttpException(0/*statusCode*/, "Unknown host");
于 2018-09-24T08:27:30.440 回答
 private void sendSMS(String phoneNumber, String message)
        PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0,
            new Intent(this, SMS.class), 0);                
        SmsManager sms = SmsManager.getDefault();
        sms.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, message, pi, null);        


于 2012-01-06T09:49:15.520 回答