运行部署在 ubuntu14.04 系统上的侨民 pod(ruby 应用程序)时出现以下错误
ubuntu@ip:~/diaspora$ ./script/server 警告:不推荐通过配置设置端口,改为设置监听。请参阅更新的 config/diaspora.yml.example。在端口 3000 上以开发模式启动 Diaspora,并在请求周期内处理作业。
I, [2016-06-30T18:31:18.139991 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora: default ] send_command: monitor I, [2016-06-30T18:31:18.142457 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora: default ] schedule :monitor (reason: monitor by user) I, [2016-06-30T18:31:18.142780 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora: default ] => monitor (reason: monitor by user) I, [2016- 06-30T18:31:18.142940 #1580] 信息 -- : [侨民:默认] 从 0.2s 链监视器开始异步 [] I, [2016-06-30T18:31:18.143217 #1580] INFO -- : [Eye] <= loading: ["/home/ubuntu/diaspora/config/eye.rb "] 我,[2016-06-30T18:31:18.157191 #1580] INFO -- : [Eye] <= 命令:加载 /home/ubuntu/diaspora/config/eye.rb (0.181545199s) 我,[2016- 06-30T18:31:18.158367 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] schedule :monitor (reason: monitor by user) I, [2016-06-30T18:31:18.158632 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora :web] => 监控(原因:用户监控)我,[2016-06-30T18:31:18.158705 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora: default] <= monitor I, [2016-06-30T18:31:18.159647 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] pid_file 未找到,开始... I, [2016-06-30T18:31:18.160052 #1580 ] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] switch :starting [:unmonitored => :starting] (原因:由用户监控) I, [2016-06-30T18:31:18.161873 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora: web] 守护进程:bin/bundle exec unicorn -c config/unicorn.rb
使用 start_grace: 2.5s, env: 'DB=mysql RAILS_ENV=development PORT=3000', <1720> (in /home/ubuntu/diaspora) I, [2016-06-30T18:31:18.162008 #1580] INFO -- :[diaspora:web] 为 :start_grace 2.5 睡觉,[2016-06-30T18:31:20.662786 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] switch :started [:starting => :up] (原因:监视器按用户)我,[2016-06-30T18:31:20.665149 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] <= monitor bundler: failed to load command: unicorn (/home/ubuntu/.rvm/gems/ruby -2.1.8@diaspora/bin/unicorn) W, [2016-06-30T18:31:25.663536 #1580] 警告 -- : [diaspora:web] check_alive: 进程 <1720> 未找到 I, [2016-06- 30T18:31:25.663809 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] 删除 pid_file: /home/ubuntu/diaspora/tmp/pids/web.pid I, [2016-06-30T18:31:25.664177 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] switch :crashed [:up => :down] (原因:崩溃)我,[2016-06-30T18:31:25.664615 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] schedule :check_crash(原因:崩溃)我,[2016-06-30T18:31:25.665000 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] => check_crash (reason: crashed) W, [2016-06-30T18:31:25.665108 #1580] WARN -- : [diaspora:web] check crashed: process is down I, [2016 -06-30T18:31:25.665185 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] schedule :restore (reason: crashed) I, [2016-06-30T18:31:25.665359 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora: web] <= check_crash I, [2016-06-30T18:31:25.665547 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] => 恢复(原因:崩溃)我,[2016-06-30T18:31:25.665635 # 1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] pid_file 未找到,开始... I, [2016-06-30T18:31:25.665866 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] switch :starting [:down = > :starting](原因:崩溃)我,[2016-06-30T18:31:25.667339 #1580] INFO -- :[diaspora:web] 守护进程:bin/bundle exec unicorn -c config/unicorn.rb
with start_grace: 2.5s, env: 'DB=mysql RAILS_ENV=development PORT=3000', <1725> (in /home/ubuntu/diaspora) I, [2016-06-30T18:31:25.667438 #1580] INFO -- :[diaspora:web] 为 :start_grace 2.5 睡觉,[2016-06-30T18:31:28.168226 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] 开关 :started [:starting => :up] (原因:崩溃) 我,[2016-06-30T18:31:28.170467 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] <= restore bundler: failed to load command: unicorn (/home/ubuntu/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1 .8@diaspora/bin/unicorn) W, [2016-06-30T18:31:33.168931 #1580] 警告 -- : [diaspora:web] check_alive: 进程 <1725> 未找到 I, [2016-06-30T18: 31:33.169188 #1580] 信息 -- : [diaspora:web] 删除 pid_file: /home/ubuntu/diaspora/tmp/pids/web.pid I,[2016-06-30T18:31:33.169547 #1580] 信息 -- : [diaspora:web] switch :crashed [:up => :down] (原因: 崩溃) 我,[2016-06-30T18:31:33.170001 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] schedule :check_crash (原因:崩溃)我,[2016-06-30T18:31:33.170419 #1580] INFO -- : [ diaspora:web] => check_crash (reason: crashed) W, [2016-06-30T18:31:33.170527 #1580] WARN -- : [diaspora:web] check crashed: process is down I, [2016-06-30T18 :31:33.170602 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] schedule :restore (reason: crashed) I, [2016-06-30T18:31:33.170781 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] <= check_crash I, [2016-06-30T18:31:33.170977 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] => restore (reason: crashed) I, [2016-06-30T18:31:33.171062 #1580] INFO - - : [diaspora:web] pid_file 未找到,开始... I, [2016-06-30T18:31:33.171282 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] switch :starting [:down => :starting] (原因:崩溃)我,[2016-06-30T18:31:33.172718 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] 守护进程:bin/bundle exec unicorn -c config/unicorn.rb
使用 start_grace: 2.5s, env: 'DB=mysql RAILS_ENV=development PORT=3000', <1730> (in /home/ubuntu/diaspora) I, [2016-06-30T18:31:33.172822 #1580] INFO -- : [diaspora:web] 为 :start_grace 2.5 睡觉