我有一个大型 API 文档,每个请求都有相同的请求标头,例如Accept: application/jsonCookies: SessionID。有没有办法可以全局声明这些以避免重复?


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HOST: http://polls.apiblueprint.org/

# Auth API

This is an Auth API, where you can obtain authentication/authorization for your app in our system.

It is necessary that you provide your credentials in order to use the API. The endpoints of the Auth API are only to obtain a valid access token, which would be provided along with each call.

# Group Authentication

## Get a request token [/auth/request]

Obtain a request token so you can exchange it for an access token.

Requests tokens have a short expiry rate, and are only one time use.

### GET

+ Request (application/json)
    + Attributes
        - Authorization (OAuth Request)

+ Response 200 (application/json)

                "oauth_token" : "request-token-ng7805hg85hjt89gu258ty25",
                "oauth_token_secret" : "TOKEN SECRET TO BE USED WHILE SIGNING REQUESTS"

## Exchange a request token for an access token [/auth/exchange]

Once you have got a request token, you will be able to trade it for an access token and then be able to call the different API endpoints.

### GET

+ Request (application/json)
    + Attributes
        - Authorization (OAuth Exchange)

+ Response 200 (application/json)

                "oauth_token" : "AN_INACTIVE_FRESH_ACCESS_TOKEN"

# Data Structures

## OAuth base (object)

+ oauth_consumer_key: YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY (string, required)
+ oauth_nonce: A_UNIQUE_TOKEN_FOR_THIS_REQUEST_GENERATED_BY_YOU (string, required)
+ oauth_signature: A_SIGNATURE_HASH_BASED_ON_THE_REQUEST_PARAMS (string, required)
+ oauth_signature_method: `HMAC-SHA256` (string, required)
+ oauth_timestamp: MILLISECONDS_FROM_EPOC_UNIX_TIME (string, required)
+ oauth_version: 1.0 (string, required)

## OAuth Request (object)

+ Include OAuth base
+ oauth_callback: YOUR_CALLBACK_URL (string, required)

## OAuth Exchange (object)

+ Include OAuth base
+ oauth_token: YOUR_RECENTLY_OBTAINED_REQUEST_TOKEN (string, required)


于 2016-06-29T14:06:42.260 回答