我是 scalatest 和 scalamock 的新手,但我已经设法编写了一些测试。但是,当在我的测试(模拟返回结果和类本身)中使用 Futures 时,测试似乎没有通过。
我写了一个托管在 github 上的最小工作示例。有两个分支,“master”涉及期货,“withNoFutures”不涉及。
Github 仓库:https ://github.com/vicaba/scalatestNotWorking/tree/master
package example
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FunSuite}
import scala.concurrent.Future
class SomeServiceTest extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfter with MockFactory {
var otherService: SomeOtherService = _
var service: SomeService = _
before {
otherService = mock[SomeOtherService]
service = mock[SomeService]
after {
otherService = null
service = null
test("a first test works") {
otherService.execute _ expects() once()
service.execute _ expects(*) returning Future.successful(true) once()
SomeService.execute(service, otherService)
// Why this test does not work?
test("a second test works") {
// Copy paste the code in the first test