下一个 Fortran 标准 (2015) 的select rank
结构类似于select case
. 我的示例使用假设秩虚拟变量的内在select case
module my_type
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, &
ip => INT32, &
wp => REAL64
implicit none
public :: MyType
type MyType
real (wp) :: rank0
real (wp), allocatable :: rank1(:)
real (wp), allocatable :: rank2(:,:)
real (wp), allocatable :: rank3(:,:,:)
procedure :: create => create_my_type
procedure :: destroy => destroy_my_type
end type MyType
subroutine create_my_type(this, array)
! calling arguments
class (MyType), intent (in out) :: this
real (wp), intent (in) :: array(..) !! Assumed-rank dummy variable
! local variables
integer (ip), allocatable :: r(:)
select case(rank(array))
case (0)
case (1)
r = shape(array)
allocate( this%rank1(r(1)) )
case (2)
r = shape(array)
allocate( this%rank2(r(1), r(2)) )
case (3)
r = shape(array)
allocate( this%rank3(r(1), r(2), r(3)) )
case default
error stop 'array must have rank 0,1,2, or 3'
end select
! Release memory
if (allocated(r)) deallocate( r )
end subroutine create_my_type
subroutine destroy_my_type(this)
! calling arguments
class (MyType), intent (in out) :: this
if (allocated(this%rank1)) deallocate( this%rank1 )
if (allocated(this%rank2)) deallocate( this%rank2 )
if (allocated(this%rank3)) deallocate( this%rank3 )
end subroutine destroy_my_type
end module my_type
program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: &
ip => INT32, &
wp => REAL64
use my_type, only: &
implicit none
type (MyType) :: foo
real (wp) :: a0, a1(42), a2(42,42), a3(42,42,42)
print *, rank(a0)
print *, rank(a1)
print *, rank(a2)
print *, rank(a3)
! Allocate array of rank 3
call foo%create(a3)
print *, rank(foo%rank3)
print *, shape(foo%rank3)
print *, size(foo%rank3)
! Release memory
call foo%destroy()
end program main