我有一个简单的脚本,只计算点击链接的次数,当点击链接时,一个 php 脚本读取链接ID/URL/Label/Count的“counter.txt”文件,然后在计数上加 1,写入“counter.txt”文件。 txt”,然后重定向。
Label 1|1|http://google.com|1
Label 2|2|http://google.us|1
Label 3|3|http://google.uk|1
//gets the content from "counter.txt"
$filecontent = file_get_contents('counter.txt');
//separates the contents of counter.txt by "\n" (spaces)
$filelines = explode("\n", $filecontent);
$url_array = null;
$new_file_content = "";
//for each $filelines variable, assign it as $fileline and execute code
foreach ($filelines AS $fileline)
//separates the contents of $fileline by "|"
$filelines_exploded = explode("|", $fileline);
//assigns counter.txt label to a variable
$label = $filelines_exploded[0];
//assigns counter.txt id's to a variable
$click_id = $filelines_exploded[1];
//assigns counter.txt url's to a variable
$click_url = $filelines_exploded[2];
//assigns counter.txt click count to a variable
$click_count = $filelines_exploded[3];
if ($_REQUEST["id"] == $click_id)
//$url_array contains all of the variables in an array
$url_array = $filelines_exploded;
//string to rebuild the counter.txt file
$new_file_content .= $label . "|" . $click_id . "|" . $click_url . "|" . ((int) $click_count + 1);
$new_file_content .= $fileline;
//adds a line break when rebuilding the counter.txt
$new_file_content .= "\n";
//file_put_contents to rewrite the file
file_put_contents('counter.txt', trim($new_file_content));
//redirects to the link gathered from the counter.txt file
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header('Location: ' . $url_array[2]);
脚本工作,但有时,counter.txt 变为空白,丢失所有数据,我不知道为什么,请看看我的代码有什么问题。