为什么此 C# 代码无法编译?
public static Dictionary<short, MemoryBuffer> GetBulkCustom(int bufferId,
int startSecond,out int chunksize, out int bardatetime)
//const string _functionName = "GetNextBulkWatchData";
UserSeriesCard currentCard = GetUserSeriesCard(bufferId);
Dictionary<short, MemoryBuffer> result = null;
while (currentCard.CurrentSecond <= startSecond)
result = GetBulk(bufferId, out chunksize, out bardatetime);
if (result == null)
result = currentCard.UserBuffer;
chunksize = currentCard.ChunkSize;
bardatetime = currentCard.CurrentBarDateTime;
return result;
The out parameter 'bardatetime' must be assigned to before control leaves the current method
The out parameter 'chunksize' must be assigned to before control leaves the current method
我想不出 bardatetime 和 chunksize 最终未分配的情况。
编辑. 我通过将代码调整为逻辑上等效的代码来修复此错误。老实说,我想避免多次分配。
public static Dictionary<short, MemoryBuffer> GetBulkCustom(int bufferId, int startSecond,out int chunksize, out int bardatetime )
const string _functionName = "GetNextBulkWatchData";
UserSeriesCard currentCard = GetUserSeriesCard(bufferId);
Dictionary<short, MemoryBuffer> result = null;
chunksize = currentCard.ChunkSize;
bardatetime = currentCard.CurrentBarDateTime;
while (currentCard.CurrentSecond <= startSecond)
result = GetBulk(bufferId, out chunksize, out bardatetime);
if (result == null)
result = currentCard.UserBuffer;
return result;