如何保存访问 SSR react-redux 应用程序的用户的完整路由器历史记录?我试过修改 react-redux-router 包的 reducer.js 文件……但是当用户通过 SSR 加载时,历史数组被重置。
* This action type will be dispatched when your history
* receives a location change.
export const LOCATION_CHANGE = '@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE'
const initialState = {
locationBeforeTransitions: null,
locationHistory: []
* This reducer will update the state with the most recent location history
* has transitioned to. This may not be in sync with the router, particularly
* if you have asynchronously-loaded routes, so reading from and relying on
* this state is discouraged.
export function routerReducer(state = initialState, { type, payload } = {}) {
if (type === LOCATION_CHANGE) {
return { ...state,
locationBeforeTransitions: payload,
locationHistory: state.locationHistory.concat([payload]) }
return state
参考:https ://github.com/reactjs/react-router-redux/blob/master/src/reducer.js
也许甚至可以通过没有 react-router-redux 的 react-router 中的 historyjs 对象访问完整的历史记录。
我正在寻找有关如何在 redux 状态下存储用户会话的完整历史并将其发布到我的 api 服务器的答案,当用户关闭浏览器或导航离开站点时。(如果这不可能,我可以在每次导航时发布它。)然后我想在用户主页上的“最近查看”页面列表中显示此历史记录。