提前道歉 - 这可能会很长 - 所有代码都添加在底部。
我正在开发一个用于跟踪支持票的数据库。我一直在尝试清除跟踪器出现的错误 - 所以我开始重建 - 清理代码 - 更改字段名称等 - 这是一个全新的数据库,没有人可以访问。但由于某种原因,我的错误代码似乎不再捕获。所以让我解释一切。
前端打开并打开,加载登录表单 - 这利用 DLOOKUP 检查和匹配密码 - 这很好登录后,票务输入表单加载(Frm_ticket_Entry),它有多个数据字段和 2 个按钮。(我只列出几个,因为实际上没有一个是强制性的)
Ticket_Number - (fairly self explanatory)
Agent - (Agent working ticket)
Return_Team - (if ticket was returned)
New Record - (Adds a new record - Guess you can tell that)
Save Record - (saves record after data changes)
当使用 Err.raise("error number") - 我的捕手按预期工作
当我关闭 err.raise (注释掉)并运行所有内容时 - 我有时会在我以前的数据库版本上点击“运行时错误”(例如锁定编辑) - 这被我的错误捕获器捕获 - 并产生了自定义输出- 现在,它似乎不想捕捉运行时错误 - 为什么不呢,出了什么问题!?(为广泛阅读道歉 - 我很难准确地描述事情,但简短。 - 如果需要/要求提供更多信息)
Private Sub btn_NewRecord_Click()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec 'Add a new record
Me.Ticket_Number = "#" ' Change ticket number textbox to "#"
Me.Kickback_Reason = "Pass to next level support" ' - Set Default entry for kick back reason
Me.Agent = User() ' Set "Agent" field to the currently logged in user
Me.Returning_Team = "CSC Service Desk" ' Set default for "Returning Team"
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord 'Save the record into the table
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataTable = tbl_Tickets, , acLast ' return to the last saved record
On Error GoTo Error_Handle
' Err.Raise 3314, "btn_New_Record_Click()", "Errored" ' Force error for debug purposes
' Err.Raise 2105, "btn_New_Record_Click()", "Errored"
' Err.Raise 21345, , "Unknown Error Occured"
Exit Sub
Call ErrorLogger(Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
MsgBox "Error Trapping complete"
Resume Next
End Sub
ErrorLogger 的代码:
Function ErrorLogger(ErrNum As Integer, ErrDesc, ErrSrc As String)
Select Case ErrNum
Case 3314 ' You must enter a value in the 'tblKickbacks.Ticket Number' field.
MsgBox "It seems some required fields may not have been completed! " _
& "Please ensure you have filled in 'Ticket Number' / 'Agent' / 'Returning Team' and/or 'Kickback Reason'"
If IsNull(Me.Ticket_Number) Then
End If
If (MsgBox("Error " & ErrNum & " occured." & vbNewLine _
& "Details : " & ErrDesc & vbNewLine _
& "Error occured in : " & ErrSrc & vbNewLine _
& "Would you like to send an email error report?" _
, 4 Or 16, "ERROR DETECTED")) = vbYes _
GoTo DevEmail
GoTo Err_Exit
End If
Case 2105 ' You can't go to the specified record.
MsgBox "Error Caught - 2105"
Case 3218 ' Error Description: Could not update; currently locked.
' Need to find and add code here for forcibly unlocking any and ALL locked records
Case Else
MsgBox "Error : " & ErrNum & " -- " & ErrDesc & " " _
& "Not recognised - Sending error email"
GoTo DevEmail
End Select
Dim oAPP As Outlook.Application
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
' Create the Outlook session.
Set oAPP = New Outlook.Application
' Create the message.
Set oMail = oAPP.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With oMail
' Add the To recipient(s) to the message.
.To = "mwalker53@csc.com"
.Subject = "Tracker V2 Error"
.Body = "Error message as Follows:" & vbNewLine _
& "Error Number: " & ErrNum & vbNewLine _
& "Error Description: " & ErrDesc & vbNewLine _
& "Error Source: " & ErrSrc
End With
MsgBox "Email has been sent"
End Function