我必须找到一种方法来显示数组中的最大值和最小值,数组的大小为 100 并且不会超过该值,并且不需要输入验证。程序将一直要求输入,直到遇到 0,它也会被添加到数组中。
除了如何跟踪最大值和最小值之外,我已经弄清楚了一切。如果有人可以修复我的代码或向我展示,我将不胜感激。当输入等于 0 时,我遇到的另一个问题是让循环终止并在 while 循环内进行最大/最小计算。
Name : test.c
Author :
Version :
Copyright : Your copyright notice
Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define n 100
int main(void){
int numbers[n];
int i = 1;
int j;
int input;
int maxvalue;
int minvalue;
printf("Enter the next array element>");
input = scanf("%d", &numbers[100]);
while (input != 0){
numbers[i] = input;
printf("Enter the next array element, while loop>");
input = scanf("%d", &numbers[n]);
if (input == 0){
printf("Enter the next array element, if loop");
numbers[i] = 0;
for (j =2;j <= i; j++){
minvalue = numbers[1];
if (numbers[j] > minvalue){
maxvalue = numbers[j] ;
minvalue = numbers[j] ;
printf("%f\t", maxvalue);
printf("%f\n", minvalue);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define N 100
int main(void){
int numbers[N];
int i = 0;
int j;
int input;
int maxvalue;
int minvalue;
printf("Enter the next array element>");
scanf("%d", &input);
while (input != 0){
numbers[i] = input;
if (input == 0){
numbers[i] = 0;
minvalue = numbers[0];
maxvalue = numbers[0];
for (j=0;j<=i-1;j++){
if (minvalue >= numbers[j]){
minvalue = numbers[j];
}else if (maxvalue <= numbers[j]){
maxvalue = numbers[j];
/* min = value of first array element
max = value of first array element
begin loop for each array element, index = 0 to (n-1)
--- if array element value is less than min, set min to this value
--- if array element value is more than max, set max to this value
increment index and repeat loop til last index is completed
average = sum / number of elements (n).
max and min will hold their correct values.*/
printf("Enter the next array element, while loop>");
scanf("%d", &input);
printf("%d\t", maxvalue);
printf("%d", minvalue);
Enter the next array element>1
Enter the next array element, while loop>2
Enter the next array element, while loop>3
Enter the next array element, while loop>0
12190144 l6Press [Enter] to close the terminal
最后编辑:我自己解决了这个问题。我将最小/最大检查放在主 WHILE 循环之外,这允许将 0 的输入输入到数组中。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define N 100
int main(void){
int numbers[N];
int i = 0;
int j;
int input;
int maxvalue =1;
int minvalue = 1;
printf("Enter the next array element>");
scanf("%d", &input);
minvalue = input;
maxvalue = input;
while (input != 0){
numbers[i] = input;
printf("Enter the next array element>");
scanf("%d", &input);
if (input == 0){
numbers[i] = 0;
for (j =0;j<i;j++){
if (numbers[j] >= maxvalue){
maxvalue = numbers[j];
if(numbers[j] < minvalue){
minvalue = numbers[j];
printf("%d\t", maxvalue);
printf("%d\n", minvalue);