Hi I have created a user message page with this plugin. The grid will show the user inbox and the user outbox(sent) messages. here's a little code:

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {

       //...some stuff
       currentURL = function() {

            return 'json_member_mail.php?task='+ currentBox;
                    //where current box is either inbox or outbox

       //... alot of stuff

       myGrid = jQuery("#list").jqGrid({

        datatype: 'json',
        mtype: 'GET',

        //      even more stuff  ....

                        the lil stuff....


                        //the dialog...

         // the dialog form editing whatever...



so then when the user clicks on outbox something like this happens:

jQuery("#list").jqGrid('setGridParam',{ url:currentURL(), postData:{lrt:lastReloadTime} }).trigger("reloadGrid"); //where current URL has the GET param task=outbox

it working all great until I use my search filters. for example I search for the messages sent from the user 'foo' and it's all good but when I click on outbox it will still try to show me messages sent by the user 'foo' but I want the search filters to be reset.

I tried loading the search dialog on document ready and closing it immediately to get the filter().reset and all that but it doesn't work :the-built-in-search-filter-box

myGrid.trigger('reloadGrid'); has the same behaviour as well

.jqGrid('setGridParam',{    url:currentURL(), postData:{_search:'false'} }).trigger("reloadGrid"); 

would fix my problem but it won't override the _search param.

any generous suggestions?


2 回答 2


I recommend you to use no function call as avalue of the url parameter. The value of the parameter will be caclulated only once during the grid initialization. Instead of that you can use

url: 'json_member_mail.php',
postData: {
    task: function() {/* return currentBox based on criterias which you have */},
    lrt: lastReloadTime

If needed you can make the property lrt also as a function.

If some property of postData are functions the function will be called on any ajax request. So you can use really actual value of the currentBox on searching, paging, sorting or page reload.

If you need reload jqGrid you will no more need to change url or postData and you can just call trigger("reloadGrid") only.

于 2010-09-26T10:12:46.853 回答

lol, So I made one of those stupid mistakes... where in the original message I say "// the dialog form editing whatever..." I made a mistake yeah I didn't even bother to write that part on here so what I had there was:

            search: true,
        {}, //edit
        {}, //delete
            {},  <---instead of putting search options on this line
        {        <----I was putting it here on this line
                        afterShowSearch:... , 
        } /* allow the view dialog to be closed when user press ESC key*/

however I realized that after I fixed my problem with a hack when I saw the overlay:false was not working and there was still a jQuery UI overlay for search...

what I did might be helpful somehow to someone who reads this one day so what I did was:

there is a get parameter nd that is a Unix Timestamp(POSIX) but in miliseconds (javascripts implementation) unlike php and mysql and most unix stuff (which is in seconds). I also sent a timestamp of the last time any of the navigation links where clicked:

lastReloadTime = new Date().getTime() ;

then in my php file that generates the json data:

$searchOK = 1;

if($_GET['_search']=='true') {

    if( isset($_GET['lrt']) ){ 

    //so here I check to see if the main mail links have been clicked at all
    //from the time of the first page load 
    //if not then its all good but if it has check for the time

        if(   (    ($_GET['nd']/1000)-($_GET['lrt']/1000)    ) < 1) $searchOK=0;

    if($searchOK){ //you can do search since it might be going through pages of a search result
于 2010-09-26T04:51:06.357 回答