我目前正在尝试为一个项目开发 ArUco 立方体检测器。目标是在不使用大型 ArUco 板的情况下获得更稳定和准确的姿态估计。但是,要使其正常工作,我需要知道每个标记的方向。使用 draw3dAxis 方法,我发现 X 轴和 Y 轴并没有一致地出现在同一位置。这是一个演示该问题的视频:https ://youtu.be/gS7BWKm2nmg
Rvec 检测似乎有问题。Rvec 的前两个值有一个明显的变化,它将保持相当一致,直到轴交换。当此轴交换发生时,值可以在 2-6 的任何地方变化。ARuco 库确实尝试处理旋转,如 Marker.calculateMarkerId() 方法所示:
* Return the id read in the code inside a marker. Each marker is divided into 7x7 regions
* of which the inner 5x5 contain info, the border should always be black. This function
* assumes that the code has been extracted previously.
* @return the id of the marker
protected int calculateMarkerId(){
// check all the rotations of code
Code[] rotations = new Code[4];
rotations[0] = code;
int[] dists = new int[4];
dists[0] = hammDist(rotations[0]);
int[] minDist = {dists[0],0};
for(int i=1;i<4;i++){
// rotate
rotations[i] = Code.rotate(rotations[i-1]);
dists[i] = hammDist(rotations[i]);
if(dists[i] < minDist[0]){
minDist[0] = dists[i];
minDist[1] = i;
this.rotations = minDist[1];
if(minDist[0] != 0){
return -1; // matching id not found
this.id = mat2id(rotations[minDist[1]]);
return id;
并且 MarkerDetector.detect() 确实调用该方法并使用 getRotations() 方法:
// identify the markers
for(int i=0;i<nCandidates;i++){
if(toRemove.get(i) == 0){
Marker marker = candidateMarkers.get(i);
Mat canonicalMarker = new Mat();
warp(in, canonicalMarker, new Size(50,50), marker.toList());
int id = marker.calculateMarkerId();
if(id != -1){
// rotate the points of the marker so they are always in the same order no matter the camera orientation
Collections.rotate(marker.toList(), 4-marker.getRotations());
ArUco 库的完整源代码在这里:https ://github.com/sidberg/aruco-android/blob/master/Aruco/src/es/ava/aruco/MarkerDetector.java