我是 reactjs 和酶工具的新手,为 reactjs 应用程序实施单元测试。每当我传递父组件中子组件的道具值时,这些值似乎并不像分配给子组件的必填字段。但是当我直接对孩子做同样的事情时,它就起作用了。以下是子组件的渲染部分
render: function() {
var phoneInputClassnames = Classnames('phoneInput', {'focused':this.state.focused}, this.props.className);
var countryList = (
<div style={styles.listConainer} className="card">
<ul style={styles.countryList}>
this.props.suggestions.map(function(country, i){
var handleClick = this.handleClickCountry.bind(this, country);
return <CountryItem key={i} country={country} onMouseDown={handleClick}/>
}, this)
<span style={styles.separator}></span>
<ul style={styles.countryList}>
this.props.countryData.map(function(country, i){
var handleClick = this.handleClickCountry.bind(this, country);
return <CountryItem key={i} country={country} onMouseDown={handleClick}/>
return (
<div className={phoneInputClassnames} onFocus={this.parentOnFocus}>
ref = "dropdown"
label = {<button>{this.state.selectedCountry.dial_code} <i className="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>}
content = {countryList}
offsetX = {this.props.dropdownOffset || -6}
offsetY = {44}
onClose = {this.focusInput}
type = "text"
ref = "phoneInput"
placeholder = "Phone"
value = {this.props.value || ''}
onKeyDown = {this.inputKeyDown}
onChange = {this.numberOnChange}
render: function() {
var input;
if (this.state.loginState === SessionStore.STATES.LOGIN) {
input = (
<p>Login to manage your business.</p>
<div className="tabs">
<i onClick={this.tabSelect} data-tab="0" className={"fa fa-phone" + (this.state.tab == 0? " active": "")} aria-hidden="true"></i>
<i onClick={this.tabSelect} data-tab="1" className={"fa fa-at" + (this.state.tab == 1? " active": "")} aria-hidden="true"></i>
<div className="inputs">
{(function() {
if (this.state.tab == 0) {
return <PhoneNumber
countryData = {Countries.countryData}
suggestions = {Countries.popularCountryData}
onChange = {this.phoneInputListener}
onSubmit = {this.login}
autofocus = {true}
value = {this.state.clientNumber}
selectedCountry = {this.state.clientCountry}
validationHandler = {Countries.validatePhoneNumber}/>;
} else {
return <SmartInput
className = "email"
placeholder = "Email"
value = {this.state.clientEmail}
onChange = {this.emailInputOnChange}
onSubmit = {this.emailInputListener}/>;
{(function() {
if (this.state.error) {
return <p className="errorText">{this.textError()}</p>
{(function() {
if (this.state.loading) {
return <button className="button disabled" type="button"><i className="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw margin-bottom"></i></button>;
} else {
return <button className="button" type="button" onClick={this.login}>Continue</button>;
} else if (this.state.loginState === SessionStore.STATES.OTP) {
input = (
<div className="otp">
{(function() {
if (this.state.tab == 0) {
return (
<h2>Check your Twnel!</h2>
You will shortly receive a login code sent to {util.formatPhoneNumber(this.state.clientCountry.dial_code + this.state.clientNumber)}.
<span onClick={this.goBack}> (Not me)</span>
} else {
return (
<h2>Check your Email!</h2>
You will shortly receive a login code sent to {this.state.clientEmail}.
<span onClick={this.goBack}> (Not me)</span>
placeholder = "Code"
onChange = {this.otpInputOnChange}
onSubmit = {this.otpInputListener} />
{(function() {
if (this.state.error) {
return <p className="errorText">{this.textError()}</p>
{(function() {
if (this.state.loading) {
return <button className="button disabled" type="button"><i className="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw margin-bottom"></i></button>;
} else {
return <button className="button" type="button" onClick={this.validate}>Continue</button>;
return (
<div id="login" className="card">
其实这里我是在测试登录操作。由于我对 reactjs 和酶都是新手,因此不知道我是否以正确的方式进行操作。以下是我的示例测试片段
it('find the tab state', () => {
// console.log(wrapper.find('button').last().simulate('click'));
const wrapper2 = mount(<PhoneNumber value="1234567890" countryData= {Countries} suggestions={item}/>);
const wrapper = mount(<Login className="sample2" placeholder="enter something" value="1234567890" countryData={Countries} />);