public void ModifyXML(string inputAsset, string test, string version)
XmlReader xReader = XmlReader.Create(xmlDoc);
while (!xReader.EOF)
if (xReader.Name != "Asset")
//If we have not reached the end of the file
if (!xReader.EOF)
XElement asset = (XElement)XElement.ReadFrom(xReader);
string branchName = (string)asset.Attribute("Name");
if (branchName == inputAsset)
大家好,所以我目前正在尝试在我的输入不为空时编辑 XML 文档。我的 XML 如下所示:
<Asset Name="" Version="">
<TestCase Name="" Version="" SubVersion="" />
<TestCase Name="" Version="" SubVersion="" />
<TestCase Name="" Version="" SubVersion="" />
<TestCase Name="" Version="" SubVersion="" />
<Asset Name="" Version="">
<TestCase Name="" Version="" SubVersion="" />
<TestCase Name="" Version="" SubVersion="" />
<TestCase Name="" Version="" SubVersion="" />
<TestCase Name="" Version="" SubVersion="" />