I am reading images from a set and extracting their features. However, for some images(very few, around 4 per mille), SiftFeatureDetector::detect( image, keypoints)
cannot detect key points and returns me an empty set of key points. When I tried with SurfFeatureDetector::detect( image, keypoints)
, it detects the key points.
Here is the code:
query = imread( it->path().string());
/* Here, I resize the image in proportion so that its longest side will be 400*/
cvtColor( query, query_gray, CV_RGB2GRAY);
SiftFeatureDetector feature_detector;
vector<KeyPoint> query_kp;
feature_detector.detect( query_gray, query_kp);
// check whether KeyPoints are detected
if( !query_kp.size())
cerr << "KeyPoints couldn't be detected. Image " << it->path() << " is skipped." << endl;
What is the reason behind this? Can someone explain please?
EDIT: Surf also cannot detect some key points , around 2 per mille.