I know that this is a major problem, and there is a million topics about this but nowhere i can't find how to exclude an subfolder from jekyll structure. I've tried all possible configurations and even one of them is not working :(

exclude: font/fontcustom
exclude: [font/fontcustom]
exclude: ['font/fontcustom']
exclude: /font/fontcustom
exclude: font/.../
exclude: font/*

etc. Can anybody help? Please don't suggest to add this to .gitignore file bc this is not a solution of this problem. Cheers.


1 回答 1



exclude: [font/fontcustom]

我在带有Portable Jekyll 3.1.1的 Windows 8 上,如果这很重要的话。

于 2016-06-22T14:41:25.537 回答