I have 2 radio buttons. The first one, radio1, is connected to a function func() and inside this function connects a push button, pushButton, to another function print_me().

This is the code stripped down:

radio = self.dockwidget.radioButton

def func():
    # Connect pushButton to "print_me" function
    connect = self.dockwidget.pushButton

def print_me():
    print 'Connected'

When the user clicks radio1 and then pushButton, a message is printed. Problem is if the user clicks radio 10 times and then pushButton, the message is also printed 10 times. Or if the user clicks radio1, then radio2, and back to radio1, it will still print the message twice.

Is there a way to prevent this so that it will only print the message once when either radio button is clicked?


1 回答 1


Have a global variable and set it to either True or False. Then add an if statement to your code (In this example the global variable name is clicked_radio_button):

radio = self.dockwidget.radioButton
clicked_radio_button = False #Set global variable
def func():
    if clicked_radio_button == False:
         # Connect pushButton to "print_me" function
         connect = self.dockwidget.pushButton
         clicked_radio_button = True #Set global variable to True
        pass #Do nothing if already pressed

def print_me():
    print 'Connected'
于 2016-06-17T12:31:06.573 回答