我正在做一个对不同复杂程度的层流预混火焰进行数值分析的项目。我非常需要帮助,因为我是 Python 和 Cantera 的新手。我有以下查询:

  1. 我可以修改 adiabetic.py 模块,该模块主要将混合物的绝热温度从入口温度变为可以给我从绝热温度作为输入的入口温度的东西吗?


Adiabatic flame temperature and equilibrium composition for a fuel/air mixture
as a function of equivalence ratio, including formation of solid carbon.

import cantera as ct
import numpy as np
import sys
import csv

# Edit these parameters to change the initial temperature, the pressure, and
# the phases in the mixture.

T = 300.0
P = 101325.0

# phases
gas = ct.Solution('gri30.xml')
carbon = ct.Solution('graphite.xml')

# the phases that will be included in the calculation, and their initial moles
mix_phases = [(gas, 1.0), (carbon, 0.0)]

# gaseous fuel species
fuel_species = 'CH4'

# equivalence ratio range
npoints = 50
phi = np.linspace(0.3, 3.5, npoints)


mix = ct.Mixture(mix_phases)

# create some arrays to hold the data
tad = np.zeros(npoints)
xeq = np.zeros((mix.n_species,npoints))

for i in range(npoints):
    # set the gas state
    gas.set_equivalence_ratio(phi[i], fuel_species, 'O2:1.0, N2:3.76')

    # create a mixture of 1 mole of gas, and 0 moles of solid carbon.
    mix = ct.Mixture(mix_phases)
    mix.T = T
    mix.P = P

    # equilibrate the mixture adiabatically at constant P
    mix.equilibrate('HP', solver='gibbs', max_steps=1000)

    tad[i] = mix.T
    print('At phi = {0:12.4g}, Tad = {1:12.4g}'.format(phi[i], tad[i]))
    xeq[:,i] = mix.species_moles

# write output CSV file for importing into Excel
csv_file = 'adiabatic.csv'
with open(csv_file, 'w') as outfile:
    writer = csv.writer(outfile)
    writer.writerow(['phi','T (K)'] + mix.species_names)
    for i in range(npoints):
        writer.writerow([phi[i], tad[i]] + list(xeq[:,i]))
print('Output written to {0}'.format(csv_file))

if '--plot' in sys.argv:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.plot(phi, tad)
    plt.xlabel('Equivalence ratio')
    plt.ylabel('Adiabatic flame temperature [K]')

取自: http: //www.cantera.org/docs/sphinx/html/cython/examples/multiphase_adiabatic.html



1 回答 1




  1. 将温度设置为绝热火焰温度并平衡燃料-空气混合物以达到设定的 T 和 P。
  2. 计算(并保存)混合平均焓。
  3. 将成分设置回入口的成分,并拟合温度,直到混合物平均焓与步骤 2 中的相匹配。
于 2018-03-08T22:52:20.557 回答