2 回答
Do you intend to forbid just the unrestricted recursion (fix
) in the SMu
case of convL
, or also the structural recursion in the SArrow
I don’t think this has a solution without structural recursion on STerm
, because then we would have to be productive even on an infinite STerm
such as:
foldr (\n -> SMu ("x" ++ show n)) undefined [0..] -- μα. μβ. μγ. μδ. …
To do this with structural recursion on STerm
, it seems the trick is to store Either Term (D Term)
in the context. When we pass through an Arrow
and produce a D
, we can convert all the Right
s to Left
type Ctx = [(Var, Either Term (D Term))]
dCtx :: Ctx -> D Ctx
dCtx = traverse (traverse (fmap Left . either pure id))
conv :: STerm -> Ctx -> Term
conv STop _ = Top
conv SBottom _ = Bottom
conv (SArrow t1 t2) ctx = Arrow (fmap (conv t1) (dCtx ctx)) (fmap (conv t2) (dCtx ctx))
conv (SVar v) ctx = case lookup v ctx of
Nothing -> error "unbound variable"
Just (Left t) -> t
Just (Right _) -> Bottom
conv (SMu v t) ctx = fixD (\dr -> conv t ((v, Right dr) : ctx))
My intuition is that the context should contain only delayed terms. That way, conv ctx (SMu "x" t)
will be equivalent to fixD (\d -> conv ((x,r):ctx) t)
, as in the original convL
If this is the case, then you need a general way to include delayed terms in your data structure, instead of just allowing them in arrows:
data Term = Arrow Term Term
| Bottom
| Top
| Next (D Term)
A first attempt at conv
gives us:
conv :: [(Var, D Term)] -> STerm -> Term
conv _ STop = Top
conv _ SBottom = SBottom
conv ctx (SArrow t1 t2) = Arrow (conv ctx t1) (conv ctx t2)
conv ctx (SVar v)
| Just l <- lookup v ctx = Next l
| otherwise = error "unbound variable"
conv ctx (SMu v t) = fixD (\r -> conv ((x,r):ctx) t)
However, this uses unguarded recursive calls to conv
. If you want to avoid that, you can wrap all the fixD
recursive calls in a Next
conv :: [(Var, D Term)] -> STerm -> Term
conv = fixD step where
step _ _ STop = Top
step _ _ SBottom = Bottom
step d ctx (SArrow t1 t2) = Arrow (Next $ d <*> pure ctx <*> pure t1)
(Next $ d <*> pure ctx <*> pure t2)
step d ctx (SVar v)
| Just l <- lookup v ctx = Next l
| otherwise = error "unbound variable"
step d ctx (SMu v t) = fixD (\r ->
Next $ d <*> pure ((x,r):ctx) <*> pure t)
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, because conv [] SMu "x" (SArrow SBottom (SMu "y" (SVar "x")))
does still have bottoms in the resulting structure. What is the type you want to get out?