WWDC 2016 came up with a new concept of creating Sticker Pack & push it to store from iOS10 onwards. I downloaded XCode 8 Beta, & tried to create a sticker pack app for the message extensions.

I did everything as explained but on building the project I am getting error

Interface Builder Storyboard Compiler Error Group

Strange thing is for Sticker Pack we don't need to write any code, but still it is showing error of Interface Builder.

I am getting this error under build time

IB Error

I have also reported this to apple, but would like to know if anyone has any idea to remove this & execute my code.


3 回答 3


In my case, I rename application xcode-beta to xcode 8.0b in finder. After what IDE cann't open any xib and storyboard. Solution: don't rename app.

enter image description here

于 2016-06-17T05:27:04.577 回答

I found the solution:

When you will download the Xcode-beta & when you will unzip the .xip file, the xcode-beta will present in same folder where the min file is downloaded, strange thing is that apple is not automatically pushing xcode-beta to Application folder.

If you are experiencing the same issue, push the xcode-beta executable to Applications folder, & execute your project from there & you will find that it will work like charm.

于 2016-06-17T18:26:08.583 回答

Got it working finally. In my case, Xcode was there in the Applications folder, but for some reason it was named "Xcode-beta 2". Renamed it to "Xcode-beta", restarted the application, cleared derived data, and it started working.

于 2016-06-23T20:22:25.037 回答