我正在实现代码,因此我可以在网络连接到达时接受它们,将它们从它们的到达套接字中分离,创建一个 std::packaged_task 任务,将该任务排队在一个双端队列容器中,然后稍后在它们的任务线程中执行这些任务。Bo Qian 在 YouTube 上关于“C++ 线程 #9:packaged_task”的讲座让这一切变得简单,展示了如何做到这一点。
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <afxsock.h>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <deque>
#include <future>
std::condition_variable notifyDequeNotEmptyCondVar;
std::mutex decodeMu;
class MyRxDecode : public CAsyncSocket
static std::deque< std::packaged_task< bool() > > rxAcceptedTasks;
static bool StartDecode( SOCKET socket )
bool result = true;
// Attach detached socket to this socket
//result = Attach( socket ); // error C2352: 'CAsyncSocket::Attach': illegal call of non-static member function
return result;
static bool DecodeTaskThread()
std::packaged_task< bool() > DecodingTask;
std::unique_lock< std::mutex > dequeLocker( decodeMu ); // makes sure all deque actions are atomic
notifyDequeNotEmptyCondVar.wait( dequeLocker, [] () { return !rxAcceptedTasks.empty(); } ); // wait until notified that deque is not empty
DecodingTask = std::move( rxAcceptedTasks.front() );
DecodingTask(); // has no arg because the arg was previously bound to the functor passed in
return true;
class MyListener : CAsyncSocket
virtual void OnAccept( int nErrorCode ) // is called when other socket does a connect on this socket's endpoint
CAsyncSocket syncSocket; // msdn prescribes creating stack socket
if( Accept( syncSocket ) )
AsyncSelect( FD_READ | FD_CLOSE ); // msdn
SOCKET socket = syncSocket.Detach(); // msdn
// Bo Qian's lecture explains how this packaged task code works and is made thread safe.
// Create task in separate thread to process this connection and push onto deque. The main advantage of a packaged task compared to using a functor is the former links the callable object to a future, which is useful in a multi-threaded environment (Bo Qian).
std::thread decodeThread( MyRxDecode::DecodeTaskThread ); // pass-by-value ctor
std::packaged_task< bool() > rxAcceptTask( std::bind( MyRxDecode::StartDecode, socket ) ); // binds function with its param to create functor wh is passed to packaged task's ctor
std::future< bool > rxAcceptTaskFuture = rxAcceptTask.get_future();
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > locker( decodeMu );
MyRxDecode::rxAcceptedTasks.push_back( std::move( rxAcceptTask ) );
bool taskResult = rxAcceptTaskFuture.get();
CAsyncSocket::OnAccept( nErrorCode ); // msdn
std::deque< std::packaged_task< bool() > > MyRxDecode::rxAcceptedTasks;
int main()
return 0;
在我的情况下,代码无法编译,因为我的 StartDecode 是一个试图调用非静态 Attach 的静态方法。StartDecode 是一个静态方法,因为 std::bind 用于将“套接字”绑定到任务。'socket' 通常会被传入 StartDecode 方法,但为了使打包任务中的 'future' 正常工作,必须使用 std::bind 提前绑定任何传入的参数。但是一旦 StartDecode 设置为静态,对 CAsyncSocket 的 Attach(非静态)的调用会导致错误 C2352。
如何从静态 MyRxDecode::StartDecode 调用非静态 Attach 方法?有没有办法避免将套接字参数绑定到任务而不使其成为静态?